Interface EclipseWorkspaceAccessPluginExtension

    public interface EclipseWorkspaceAccessPluginExtension
    Workspace Access plugin extension for Eclipse. An Eclipse plugin which depends on our plugin can implement this extension and that Eclipse plugin will be called when our plugin is started and when it is stopped...
    • Method Detail

      • pluginStarted

        void pluginStarted​(EclipsePluginWorkspace pluginWorkspaceAccess)
        Notified when the Oxygen Eclipse plugin is starting.
        IMPORTANT: This method must not block, the plug-in can add its listeners and then return.
        pluginWorkspaceAccess - The workspace access
        context - The context the plugin was invoked in.
      • pluginStopping

        void pluginStopping()
        Notified before the Oxygen Eclipse plugin will be stopped.