Class DiffOptions

    public class DiffOptions
    extends java.lang.Object
    Holds options needed to decide which diff algorithm and which diff options will be used.
    • Field Detail

      • AUTO

        public static final int AUTO
        The algorithm is automatically chosen based on content type, text length, options etc.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int CHARACTERS_COMPARE
        Algorithm based on characters comparison.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int WORDS_COMPARE
        Algorithm based on words comparison.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int LINES_COMPARE
        Algorithm based on line by line comparison.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int SYNTAX_AWARE
        Algorithm based on comparing the syntax tokens.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • XML_FAST

        public static final int XML_FAST
        Fast XML hybrid heuristic algorithm.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int XML_ACCURATE
        XML accurate diff based on Sasha and Zhang algorithm.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • DiffOptions

        public DiffOptions​(int algorithm,
                           boolean ignoreWhitespaces,
                           int maxNumberOfDiffs,
                           boolean ignorePI,
                           boolean ignoreComments,
                           boolean ignoreCDATA,
                           boolean ignoreDOCTYPE,
                           boolean ignoreText,
                           boolean ignoreAttributesOrder,
                           boolean ignorePrefixes,
                           boolean ignoreNamespaces,
                           boolean ignoreNamespaceDeclarations,
                           boolean ignoreEntities,
                           boolean mergeAdjacentDifferences,
                           boolean markEndTagsAsDifferent,
                           boolean ignoreStateOfEmptyElements)
        algorithm - The used algorithm, one of the constants:
        ignoreWhitespaces - true if differences consisting only in whitespaces should be ignored.
        maxNumberOfDiffs - The maximum number of modifications you are interested in. If the document contain a larger number of differences the diff will only signal that they are different and stop after reaching the limit.
        ignorePI - true if processing instructions should be ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
        ignoreComments - true if comments should be ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
        ignoreCDATA - true if CDATA sections should be ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
        ignoreDOCTYPE - true if DOCTYPE sections should be ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
        ignoreText - true if differences in the text content should be ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
        ignoreAttributesOrder - true if the order of the attributes should be ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
        ignorePrefixes - true if the prefixes should be ignored. Even if this is set the comparing takes into account the namespacea. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
        ignoreNamespaces - true if namespaces should be ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
        ignoreNamespaceDeclarations - true if the namespace declaration ("xmlns" attributes) should be ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
        ignoreEntities - true if entity content should be ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
        mergeAdjacentDifferences - true if adjacent differences should be merged and present as a single difference. Applies when using XML aware algorithms.
        markEndTagsAsDifferent - true if end tags with the same name for elements that are different in other sense will be shown as different also. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
        ignoreStateOfEmptyElements - true if sequences representing empty elements like
        <a/> and <a></a>
        will be considered identical. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • DiffOptions

        public DiffOptions()
        Default constructor for default options.
    • Method Detail

      • getMaxNumberOfDiffs

        public int getMaxNumberOfDiffs()
        Returns The maximum number of modifications you are interested in. If the document contain a larger number of differences the diff will only signal that they are different and stop after reaching the limit.
      • setMaxNumberOfDiffs

        public void setMaxNumberOfDiffs​(int maxNumberOfDiffs)
        maxNumberOfDiffs - The maximum number of modifications you are interested in. If the document contain a larger number of differences the diff will only signal that they are different and stop after reaching the limit.
      • isIgnoreWhitespaces

        public boolean isIgnoreWhitespaces()
        Returns true if differences consisting only in whitespaces will be ignored.
      • setIgnoreWhitespaces

        public void setIgnoreWhitespaces​(boolean ignoreWhitespaces)
        ignoreWhitespaces - true if differences consisting only in whitespaces should be ignored.
      • isIgnorePI

        public boolean isIgnorePI()
        Returns true if processing instructions are ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • setIgnorePI

        public void setIgnorePI​(boolean ignorePI)
        ignorePI - true if processing instructions should be ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • isIgnoreComments

        public boolean isIgnoreComments()
        Returns true if comments are be ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • setIgnoreComments

        public void setIgnoreComments​(boolean ignoreComments)
        ignoreComments - true if comments should be ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • isIgnoreCDATA

        public boolean isIgnoreCDATA()
        Returns true if CDATA sections are ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • setIgnoreCDATA

        public void setIgnoreCDATA​(boolean ignoreCDATA)
        ignoreCDATA - true if CDATA sections should be ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • isIgnoreDOCTYPE

        public boolean isIgnoreDOCTYPE()
        Returns true if DOCTYPE sections are ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • setIgnoreDOCTYPE

        public void setIgnoreDOCTYPE​(boolean ignoreDOCTYPE)
        ignoreDOCTYPE - true if DOCTYPE sections should be ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • isIgnoreText

        public boolean isIgnoreText()
        Returns true if differences in the text content is ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • setIgnoreText

        public void setIgnoreText​(boolean ignoreText)
        ignoreText - true if differences in the text content should be ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • isIgnoreAttributesOrder

        public boolean isIgnoreAttributesOrder()
        Returns true if the order of the attributes is ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • setIgnoreAttributesOrder

        public void setIgnoreAttributesOrder​(boolean ignoreAttributesOrder)
        ignoreAttributesOrder - true if the order of the attributes should be ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • isIgnorePrefixes

        public boolean isIgnorePrefixes()
        Returns true if the prefixes are ignored. Even if this is set the comparing takes into account the namespaces. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • setIgnorePrefixes

        public void setIgnorePrefixes​(boolean ignorePrefixes)
        ignorePrefixes - true if the prefixes should be ignored. Even if this is set the comparing takes into account the namespaces. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • isIgnoreNamespaces

        public boolean isIgnoreNamespaces()
        Returns true if namespaces are ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • setIgnoreNamespaces

        public void setIgnoreNamespaces​(boolean ignoreNamespaces)
        ignoreNamespaces - true if namespaces should be ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • isIgnoreNamespaceDeclarations

        public boolean isIgnoreNamespaceDeclarations()
        Returns true if the namespace declarations ("xmlns" attributes) are ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • setIgnoreNamespaceDeclarations

        public void setIgnoreNamespaceDeclarations​(boolean ignoreNamespaceDeclarations)
        ignoreNamespaceDeclarations - true if the namespace declarations ("xmlns" attributes) should be ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • isIgnoreEntities

        public boolean isIgnoreEntities()
        Returns true if entity content is ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • setIgnoreEntities

        public void setIgnoreEntities​(boolean ignoreEntities)
        ignoreEntities - true if entity content should be ignored. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • isIgnoreStateOfEmptyElements

        public boolean isIgnoreStateOfEmptyElements()
        Returns true if sequences representing empty elements like
        <a/> and <a></a>
        are considered identical. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • setIgnoreStateOfEmptyElements

        public void setIgnoreStateOfEmptyElements​(boolean ignoreStateOfEmptyElements)
        ignoreStateOfEmptyElements - true if sequences representing empty elements like
        <a/> and <a></a>
        will be considered identical. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • isMergeAdjacentDifferences

        public boolean isMergeAdjacentDifferences()
        Returns true if adjacent differences are merged and present as a single difference. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • setMergeAdjacentDifferences

        public void setMergeAdjacentDifferences​(boolean mergeAdjacentDifferences)
        mergeAdjacentDifferences - true if adjacent differences should be merged and present as a single difference. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • isMarkEndTagsAsDifferent

        public boolean isMarkEndTagsAsDifferent()
        Returns true if end tags with the same name for elements that are different in other sense are shown as different also. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • setMarkEndTagsAsDifferent

        public void setMarkEndTagsAsDifferent​(boolean markEndTagsAsDifferent)
        markEndTagsAsDifferent - true if end tags with the same name for elements that are different in other sense will be shown as different also. It applies when using XML aware algorithms.
      • isIgnoreNodesByXPath

        public boolean isIgnoreNodesByXPath()
        Check if the default XPath should be used to ignore nodes from comparison if no XPath is specified in XPath combo from DIFF Files toolbar
        true if the default XPath expression should be used to ignore nodes from comparison if no other XPath is specified in XPath combo from DIFF Files toolbar
      • setIgnoreNodesByXPath

        public void setIgnoreNodesByXPath​(boolean ignoreNodesByXPath)
        Set if the default XPath should be used to ignore nodes from comparison if no XPath is specified in XPath combo from DIFF Files toolbar
        ignoreNodesByXPath - true to use the default XPath should be used to ignore nodes from comparison if no XPath is specified in XPath combo from DIFF Files toolbar
      • getDefaultXPath

        public java.lang.String getDefaultXPath()
        Get the default XPath that will be used to ignore nodes from comparison it no XPath is specified in XPath combo from DIFF Files toolbar.
        The default XPath that will be used to ignore nodes from comparison it no XPath is specified in XPath combo from DIFF Files toolbar.
      • setDefaultXPath

        public void setDefaultXPath​(java.lang.String defaultXPath)
        Set default XPath that will be used to ignore nodes from comparison it no XPath is specified in XPath combo from DIFF Files toolbar.
        defaultXPath - The default XPath that will be used to ignore nodes from comparison it no XPath is specified in XPath combo from DIFF Files toolbar.
      • setEnableHierarchicalDiff

        public void setEnableHierarchicalDiff​(boolean enableHierarchicalDiff)
        Enable or disable hierarchical diff.
        enableHierarchicalDiff - If true differences from the same line or adjacent lines will be grouped and added in a parent difference. If false, no parent difference will be set for the created differences.
      • isEnableHierarchicalDiff

        public boolean isEnableHierarchicalDiff()
        Returns true if differences from the same line or adjacent lines will be grouped and added in a parent difference. false, if no parent difference will be set for the created differences. This option is available only for Text difference performer.