Interface AuthorTableAccess

    public interface AuthorTableAccess
    Provides methods for table actions and informations regarding the table content.
    • Method Detail

      • getTableCellAbove

        AuthorElement getTableCellAbove​(AuthorElement cellElement)
        Find the cell included into the previous row and has the same column index as the specified cell AuthorElement.
        cellElement - The table cell element.
        The cell above the given one. Can be null if there is no cell above the given one or the element does not correspond to a table cell..
      • getTableCellBelow

        AuthorElement getTableCellBelow​(AuthorElement cellElement)
        Find the cell included into the next row and has the same column index as the specified cell AuthorElement.
        cellElement - The table cell element.
        The cell bellow the given one. Can be null if there is no cell bellow the given one or the element does not correspond to a table cell..
      • getTableCellIndex

        int[] getTableCellIndex​(AuthorElement cellElement)
        Obtain the table row and column index for the cell corresponding to the specified cell AuthorElement.
        cellElement - The table cell element.
        an array containing the row index on the first position and column index on second one. Both are 0 based. Can be null if the element does not correspond to a cell in a table.
      • getTableCellAt

        AuthorElement getTableCellAt​(int row,
                                     int column,
                                     AuthorElement tableElement)
        Obtain the cell AuthorElement for the given row and column in the specified table.
        row - The row, 0 based.
        column - The column, 0 based.
        tableElement - The table element.
        The element at the specified location. Can be null if the table does not have a cell at the provided indices.
      • getTableRow

        AuthorElement getTableRow​(int index,
                                  AuthorElement tableElement)
        Find the table row element for the given index.
        index - The index of the row to find the element for, 0 based.
        tableElement - The table element.
        The table row. Can be null if the table does not have a row at the given index.
      • getTableRowCount

        int getTableRowCount​(AuthorElement tableElement)
        Get the row count for the given table AuthorElement.
        tableElement - The table element.
        The row count.
      • getTableNumberOfColumns

        int getTableNumberOfColumns​(AuthorElement tableElement)
        Returns the number of columns for the given table AuthorElement.
        tableElement - The table element.
        The number of columns.
      • getTableColSpanIndices

        int[] getTableColSpanIndices​(AuthorElement cellElement)
        For the given cell AuthorElement find the start and end column defining the column span interval. The indices are 0 based.
        cellElement - The table cell element.
        An array containing the start span column index on the first position and the end span column index on the second one. Can be null if the element does not correspond to a cell in a table.
      • getTableRowSpanIndices

        int[] getTableRowSpanIndices​(AuthorElement cellElement)
        For the given cell AuthorElement find the start and end row defining the row span interval. The indices are 0 based.
        cellElement - The table cell element.
        An array containing the start span row index on the first position and the end span row index on the second one. Can be null if the element does not correspond to a cell in a table.