Class ReviewActionsProvider

    public abstract class ReviewActionsProvider
    extends java.lang.Object
    Provides a set of custom actions for a certain highlight. The actions will be mounted on the contextual menu when right clicking a review entry.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReviewActionsProvider

        public ReviewActionsProvider()
    • Method Detail

      • customizeContextualMenuActions

        public void customizeContextualMenuActions​(AuthorAccess authorAccess,
                                                   AuthorPersistentHighlight[] selectedHighlights,
                                                   java.lang.Object popupMenu)
        Get the list of actions to show for a review entry.
        authorAccess - The Author access.
        selectedHighlights - The list of selected highlights
        popupMenu - The popup menu with default actions. (implementation of JPopupMenu on Swing or MenuManager on Eclipse).
      • performCustomActionOnDelete

        public boolean performCustomActionOnDelete​(AuthorAccess authorAccess,
                                                   AuthorPersistentHighlight[] selectedHighlights)
        This method is called when the DEL button is pressed in the review panel.
        authorAccess - The Author access.
        selectedHighlights - The list of selected highlights
        true if the API implementor will perform a custom delete action using for example methods in the AuthorChangeTrackingController API.
      • customizeHoverActions

        public void customizeHoverActions​(AuthorAccess authorAccess,
                                          AuthorPersistentHighlight authorPersistentHighlight,
                                          java.util.List actions)
        Customize the list of actions which are shown when hovering the item. The actions are either Swing actions or SWT actions. For Swing actions you can use the API "ro.sync.exml.workspace.api.standalone.StandalonePluginWorkspace.getOxygenActionID(Action)" to query each action's ID.
        authorAccess - The author access.
        authorPersistentHighlight - The current highlight.
        actions - The list of hover actions which appear by default when hovering a change/comment in the Review panel. You can add more actions to it, wrap existing actions or remove actions.