Class TabInfo

  • @API(type=INTERNAL,
    public class TabInfo
    extends java.lang.Object
    Information associated with a tab from the 'Table Properties' dialog.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TabInfo

        public TabInfo​(java.lang.String key,
                       java.util.List<TableProperty> properties,
                       java.util.List<AuthorElement> nodes)
        key - The tab key name. If no translation for the tab, then it represents the name of the tab.
        properties - The list with the properties which will be presented in the current tab.
        nodes - The nodes whose properties will be edited.
      • TabInfo

        public TabInfo​(java.lang.String key,
                       java.util.List<TableProperty> properties,
                       java.util.List<AuthorElement> nodes,
                       java.util.List<AuthorDocumentFragment> fragmentsToInsert,
                       javax.swing.text.Position[] offsets)
        key - The tab key name. If no translation for the tab, then it represents the name of the tab.
        properties - The list with the properties which will be presented in the current tab.
        nodes - The nodes whose properties will be edited.
        fragmentsToInsert - The list of AuthorDocumentFragments to be inserted.
        offsets - The offsets where the new fragments will be inserted.
      • TabInfo

        public TabInfo​(java.lang.String key,
                       java.util.List<TableProperty> properties,
                       java.util.List<AuthorElement> nodes,
                       java.util.List<AuthorDocumentFragment> fragmentsToInsert,
                       javax.swing.text.Position[] offsets,
                       java.lang.String contextInfo)
        key - The tab key name. If no translation for the tab, then it represents the name of the tab.
        properties - The list with the properties which will be presented in the current tab.
        nodes - The nodes whose properties will be edited.
        fragmentsToInsert - The fragments to be inserted.
        offsets - The offsets where the new fragments will be inserted.
        contextInfo - The context information of the current tab. If no context information, then it will be null.
    • Method Detail

      • getTabKey

        public java.lang.String getTabKey()
        Return the tab key name. If no translation for the tab, then it represents the name of the tab.
        Returns the tab key.
      • setTabKey

        public void setTabKey​(java.lang.String tabKey)
        Set the tab key name. If no translation for the tab, then it represents the name of the tab.
        tabKey - The new tab Key.
      • getProperties

        public java.util.List<TableProperty> getProperties()
        Obtain the list with the properties which will be presented in the current tab.
        Returns the the list with the properties which will be presented in the current tab.
      • setProperties

        public void setProperties​(java.util.List<TableProperty> properties)
        Set the list with the properties which will be presented in the current tab.
        properties - The new properties to set.
      • getNodes

        public java.util.List<AuthorElement> getNodes()
        The nodes whose properties will be edited.
        Returns the nodes whose properties will be edited..
      • setNodes

        public void setNodes​(java.util.List<AuthorElement> nodes)
        Set the nodes whose properties will be edited.
        nodes - The new list of nodes to set.
      • getFragmentsToInsert

        public java.util.List<AuthorDocumentFragment> getFragmentsToInsert()
        Get the fragments which will be inserted in the document.
        Returns the fragments which will be inserted in the document.
      • setFragmentsToInsert

        public void setFragmentsToInsert​(java.util.List<AuthorDocumentFragment> fragmentsToInsert)
        Set the fragments which will be inserted in the document.
        fragmentsToInsert - The fragments which will be inserted in the document.
      • getInsertOffsets

        public javax.swing.text.Position[] getInsertOffsets()
        Get the position where the fragments will be inserted.
        Returns the position where the fragments will be inserted.
      • setInsertOffsets

        public void setInsertOffsets​(javax.swing.text.Position[] positions)
        Sets the position where the fragments will be inserted.
        positions - The position where the fragments will be inserted.
      • getContextInfo

        public java.lang.String getContextInfo()
        Obtain the context information of the current tab.
        Returns the context information.
      • setContextInfo

        public void setContextInfo​(java.lang.String contextInfo)
        Set the context information.
        contextInfo - The context information to set.