Class CALSColSpec

  • @API(type=INTERNAL,
    public class CALSColSpec
    extends java.lang.Object
    The column specification for a CALS table model (e.g. DocBook or DITA tables).
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      CALSColSpec​(int indexInDocument, int colNumber, boolean colNumberSpecified, java.lang.String colName, java.lang.String colWidth, java.lang.Boolean colSep, java.lang.Boolean rowSep)
      CALSColSpec​(int indexInDocument, int colNumber, boolean colNumberSpecified, java.lang.String colName, WidthRepresentation colWidth)
    • Constructor Detail

      • CALSColSpec

        public CALSColSpec​(int indexInDocument,
                           int colNumber,
                           boolean colNumberSpecified,
                           java.lang.String colName,
                           java.lang.String colWidth,
                           java.lang.Boolean colSep,
                           java.lang.Boolean rowSep)
        indexInDocument - Index in colspec elements list.
        colNumber - The number of the column. It is 1 based.
        colNumberSpecified - true if the column number was specified as an attribute
        colName - The name of the column.
        colWidth - The string representation of the column width as described in the WidthRepresentation.
        colSep - true if the column separators are needed for that column, false if not, null if the framework default should apply. For instance Docbook has the colsep on true by default, while DITA on false.
        rowSep - true if the row separators are needed for that column, false if not, null if the framework default should apply. For instance Docbook has the rowsep on true by default, while DITA on false.
      • CALSColSpec

        public CALSColSpec​(int indexInDocument,
                           int colNumber,
                           boolean colNumberSpecified,
                           java.lang.String colName,
                           WidthRepresentation colWidth)
        Constructor. The rowsep and colsep are set to null, i.e. the document type default.
        indexInDocument - Index in colspec elements list.
        colNumber - The number of this column. It is 1 based.
        colNumberSpecified - true if the column number was specified as an attribute
        colName - The name of this column.
        colWidth - The column width representation.
    • Method Detail

      • getColSep

        public java.lang.Boolean getColSep()
        Tests the presence of the column separator.
        true if the separator should be painted at the right of the cell, false if no separator is needed, or null if the default specified by the document type should be applied. For instance in Docbook, the default value is true while in DITA is false. If the cell is the last in the row, this value is disregarded.
      • getRowSep

        public java.lang.Boolean getRowSep()
        Tests the presence of the row separator.
        true if the separator should be painted below the cell, false if no separator is needed, or null if the default specified by the document type should be applied. For instance in Docbook, the default value is true while in DITA is false. If the cell is the in the last row, this value is disregarded.
      • isColNumberSpecified

        public boolean isColNumberSpecified()
        Returns the colNumberSpecified.
      • getIndexInDocument

        public int getIndexInDocument()
        Returns the indexInDocument.
      • getColumnNumber

        public int getColumnNumber()
        The column number. It is 1 based.
      • getColumnName

        public java.lang.String getColumnName()
        The name of the column.
      • getColWidth

        public WidthRepresentation getColWidth()
        Returns the column width representation.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Creates a String representation of the column specification.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        See Also:
      • createXMLFragment

        public java.lang.String createXMLFragment​(java.lang.String ns)
        Creates the XML fragment corresponding to the column specification obtained from the colNumber, colName and colWidth fields.
        The general format of the generated fragment is:

        <colspec colnum="integer_value" colname="string_value" colwidth="string_value" xmlns="URI"/>
        ns - The namespace URI of the table element. It can be null.
        The XML fragment corresponding to the column specification.
      • setColWidth

        public void setColWidth​(WidthRepresentation colWidth)
        Set the new WidthRepresentation corresponding to the column specification.
        colWidth - The column width to be set.
      • getAlign

        public java.lang.String getAlign()
        Get the align value specified on the colspec.
        Returns the align value.
      • setAlign

        public void setAlign​(java.lang.String align)
        Set the align value specified on the colspec.
        align - The textAlign to set.