Interface ValidatorPluginExtension

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ValidatorPluginExtension
    extends PluginExtension
    Plug-in extension that allows custom validation engines.
    • Method Detail

      • getEngineName

        java.lang.String getEngineName()
        Get the name of the engine. The name of the engine is shown to the end user as a possible option when they configure a validation scenario's stage in Oxygen. It must be unique.
        The name of the current validation engine.
      • allowsValidation

        boolean allowsValidation​(java.lang.String contentType)
        Checks if the current document is accepted for this validation.
        contentType - Current document content type: ro.sync.basic.contenttypes.ContentTypes
        true if the current document can be validated.
      • allowsAutomaticValidation

        boolean allowsAutomaticValidation()
        Check if the custom validation engine allows as you type validation which occurs every time the end user types. If the validation engine is slow or it cannot validate content directly over the Reader provided on the "scan" method, the method should return false
        if the custom validation engine allows automatic validation.
      • validate

        java.util.List<DocumentPositionedInfo> validate​(java.lang.String systemID,
                                                        ValidationType validationType,
                                                        ValidationMode mode)
        Validate the document and provide a list of problems.
        systemID - The systemID of the document to be checked.
        documentReader - The reader of the document.
        validationType - Indicates the type of validation to be performed usually depending on what action was initiated by the end user from the application.
        mode - Current validation mode: automatic or manual.
        The result of the scanning. Can be null or an empty list to signify there are no validation problems.
      • setSchemaSystemID

        default void setSchemaSystemID​(java.lang.String schemaSystemID)
        Set the schema system ID in the custom validation engine, in case the validation engine needs a schema for validation.
        schemaSystemID - The schema system ID