Package ro.sync.exml.workspace.api.standalone.ui
Simple components which can be extended by the customizer in order
to make new buttons/dialogs look like the ones in the application.
Class Summary Class Description Button Button which has proper support for retina icons.ColorButton A button which presents a color chooserMenu A menu which looks like the ones in Oxygen.OKCancelDialog Dialog with OK and Cancel buttons.OxygenUIComponentsFactory Create UI components that look and feel like the ones in oXygen.PopupMenu A popup menu which looks like the ones in Oxygen.SplitMenuButton A component representing a combination of a button and a menu.Table A table that looks like the ones in oXygen.TextField Text field with undo/redo support.ToolbarButton A toolbar button which looks like the ones in OxygenToolbarToggleButton A toolbar toggle button which looks like the ones in OxygenTree A javax.swing.JTree extension which has a consistent look and feel with the ones used in Oxygen.TreeCellRenderer A javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer extension which has a consistent look and feel with the renderers used in Oxygen.