[oXygen-user] Howto chunk in general

Sean Wheller
Sun Jan 18 11:54:47 CST 2004

Hi George,

I get the same result on the sample.xml using the basic chunk.xsl. Perhaps I 
am configuring something wrong. Here are the settings for my transformation:

XSL URL: file:/home/sean/apps/oxygen/docbook/xsl/html/chunk.xsl
Transformer: Saxon

Output File > Save As /home/sean/work/enet/book.html

BTW. when I use 

xsltproc  --output myfile.html  mystyles.xsl  myfile.xml

It works.

Sean Wheller

On Sunday 18 January 2004 19:41, George Cristian Bina wrote:
> Hi Sean,
> I just configured a transformation of the samples/docbook/sample.xml to use
> the xsl/html/chunck.xsl stylesheet and I got the result without problems.
> Please try the same transformation and let me know what you get.
> Best Regards,
>  George
> -------------------------------------------------------
> George Cristian Bina mailto:
> <oXygen/> XML Editor - http://www.oxygenxml.com/
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Sean Wheller" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2004 6:29 PM
> Subject: [oXygen-user] Howto chunk in general
> > How can I setup a transformation so that it will chunk. When I specify
> > chunk.xsl directly I get errors:
> >
> > E Failed to compile stylesheet. 8 errors detected.
> > E Variable filename-prefix has not been declared
> > E Variable autolayout-file has not been declared
> > E Variable autolayout-file has not been declared
> > E Variable website.database.document has not been declared
> > E Variable website.database.document has not been declared
> > E Variable website.database.document has not been declared
> > E No template exists named chunk-element-content
> > E No template exists named chunk-element-content
> >
> > --
> > Sean Wheller
> >
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> > oXygen-user mailing list
> > 
> > http://www.oxygenxml.com/mailman/listinfo/oxygen-user

Sean Wheller

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