[oXygen-user] question

Ricardo Pietrobon
Wed Jan 21 11:26:11 CST 2004

Dan, I had actually installed from the all platforms kit form the very
start. Anyway, I got the file again and then transferred oxygen.jar to the
lib directory, but I'm still getting the same error message. Any other

On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Dan Caprioara wrote:

> Hello,
> Yes, we know the problem. It was about a stream that was not closed
> properly. Please download the all platforms installation kit from here:
> http://www.oxygenxml.com/InstData/All/oxygen.tar.gz
> Then copy the oxygen.jar file into your installation lib and let me know
> if you still have this problem.
> Regrads,
> Dan
> Sean Wheller wrote:
> > On Sunday 18 January 2004 03:12, Ricardo Pietrobon wrote:
> >
> >>Hi,
> >>
> >>I am using the brand new version 3.0 on a Fedora Core box and I just love
> >>it. The outline box is great and the ability to save configuration
> >>scenarios is very useful. However, I am running into some problems with
> >>the latter. Here is what i did: I saved two scenarios to transform from
> >>docbook to pdf and html, where the output file is always saved to either a
> >>file called html_delete.html or pdf_deleteme.pdf in my home directory, no
> >>matter where the original xml file is. This works perfectly for pdf files,
> >>but for html i keep getting this error message:
> >>
> >>Cannot rename temporary file:
> >>/mnt/lite/rpietro/ur/impact/cog_med_brazil/stat_vs_phys/stat_vs_phys.xml_xs
> >>lt to: /home/rpietro/html_deleteme.html
> >>
> >>I went back and deleted both the .xml_xslt and the original html file but
> >>it still didn't work. If I try to save the transformed html file to the
> >>directory where the original xml file is, it will do it without a problem,
> >>but then the purpose of saving all files to a single location is defeated
> >>since I would have to change the configuration scenario all the time
> >>
> >>Any suggestions?
> >>
> >>thanks,
> >>
> >>Rick
> >
> >
> > Hello Rick,
> >
> > The file stat_vs_phys.xml_xslt is normally generated when transforming to FO.
> > It is a temporary XSL-FO file.
> >
> > It should not be required for HTML Transformation. When you setup the
> > configuration senario, you should have no options selected on the FO
> > Processor tab. Is this the case?
> > --
> > Sean Wheller
> >
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