Interface AuthorDiffDirectoriesChangeTrackingMerger

    public interface AuthorDiffDirectoriesChangeTrackingMerger
    Merger based on 2-way mode directory comparison which saves the results in a specified directory. All pairs of modified XML files involved in the process are merged by saving the Author mode comparison results as documents with tracked changes that can be later reviewed and accepted / rejected. All the other situations detected are treated based on 2 options applicable to both XML and non-XML files, plus one option applicable to XML files only, plus another option applicable to non-XML files only.

    EXPERIMENTAL - Subject to change

    Please note that this API is not marked as final and it can change in one of the next versions of the application. If you have suggestions, comments about it, please let us know.

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static java.lang.String BACKUP_DIRECTORY_NAME_SUFFIX
      The suffix for the name of the directory that backups the base directory.
      static java.lang.String OPERATION_REPORT_FILE_NAME
      The name (including file extension) of the report file to be created when the merge operation completes.
      static java.lang.String OPERATION_REPORT_SUBDIRECTORY_NAME
      The name of the sub-directory to be created in the output directory for storing the merge operation report.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void mergeDirectoriesWithChangeTrackingHighlights​( baseDirectoryURL, directoryToMergeWithURL, outputDirectoryURL, DiffOptions diffOptions, boolean addFilesOnlyPresentInDirectoryToMergeWith, boolean createChangeTrackingMarkersForAddedXMLFiles, boolean deleteFilesOnlyPresentInBaseDirectory, boolean updateNonXMLFilesFromBaseDirectoryToFileVersionsFromDirectoryToMergeWith)
      Merges the directories specified by the first 2 URLs and saves the results to the output directory specified by the 3rd URL.
    • Field Detail


        static final java.lang.String OPERATION_REPORT_SUBDIRECTORY_NAME
        The name of the sub-directory to be created in the output directory for storing the merge operation report.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final java.lang.String OPERATION_REPORT_FILE_NAME
        The name (including file extension) of the report file to be created when the merge operation completes.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final java.lang.String BACKUP_DIRECTORY_NAME_SUFFIX
        The suffix for the name of the directory that backups the base directory. The base directory is backed up either if the output directory is not specified or the base directory itself is also explicitly chosen/specified as the output directory. When the backup directory is no longer needed, it can be deleted using the URL of the base directory and this suffix to correctly identify it.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • mergeDirectoriesWithChangeTrackingHighlights

        void mergeDirectoriesWithChangeTrackingHighlights​( baseDirectoryURL,
                                                          DiffOptions diffOptions,
                                                          boolean addFilesOnlyPresentInDirectoryToMergeWith,
                                                          boolean createChangeTrackingMarkersForAddedXMLFiles,
                                                          boolean deleteFilesOnlyPresentInBaseDirectory,
                                                          boolean updateNonXMLFilesFromBaseDirectoryToFileVersionsFromDirectoryToMergeWith)
                                                   throws DiffException
        Merges the directories specified by the first 2 URLs and saves the results to the output directory specified by the 3rd URL. Only "file" protocol is supported for all 3 URLs provided. All pairs of modified XML files involved in the process are merged by saving the Author mode comparison results as documents with tracked changes that can be later reviewed and accepted / rejected. All the other situations detected are treated based on 2 options applicable to both XML and non-XML files, plus one option applicable to XML files only, plus another option applicable to non-XML files only. Once the merge operation succeeds, a report file is created. It is named OPERATION_REPORT_FILE_NAME and is placed in a sub-directory named OPERATION_REPORT_SUBDIRECTORY_NAME in the output directory. Aside from the fact that the report provides an overview of the merge process, it also provides links to all the files in the resulting output directory. You can use the respective links to load these XML files in Author mode in Oxygen to review the tracked changes and accept or reject them.
        baseDirectoryURL - The URL of the base directory.
        directoryToMergeWithURL - The URL of the directory to merge with.
        outputDirectoryURL - The URL of the output directory. Can be null, in which case the base directory is also considered the output directory. Another particular case is when the base directory is explicitly specified as output directory too. In both cases, the base directory is automatically backed up. The backup copy will have the same parent directory as the base directory and its name will be the name of the base directory suffixed by BACKUP_DIRECTORY_NAME_SUFFIX.
        diffOptions - The DiffOptions used to decide which comparing algorithm and which comparing options to use. Can be null in which case the comparison algorithm is chosen automatically and the default comparison options are used.
        addFilesOnlyPresentInDirectoryToMergeWith - If true, all the files only present in the directory to merge with will be added to the output directory.
        createChangeTrackingMarkersForAddedXMLFiles - If true, all XML files only present in the directory to merge with - that have to be added to the destination/output directory - will contain change tracking markers of type "added content". The option is not necessarily intended for the merge process itself, but it is useful if you want to apply various Oxygen transformation scenarios to the resulting output directory.
        deleteFilesOnlyPresentInBaseDirectory - If true, all the files only present in the base directory will not be added to the output directory.
        updateNonXMLFilesFromBaseDirectoryToFileVersionsFromDirectoryToMergeWith - If true, all non XML files from the base directory are updated to the versions from the directory to merge with.
        DiffException - If something went wrong while comparing the directories and saving the results.