Interface AuthorElementBaseInterface

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AuthorNode, AuthorParentNode
    All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface AuthorElementBaseInterface
    extends AuthorParentNode
    Element represents a tag in an XML document. The element is mapped into the content by two sentinel characters (the node positions point to them), having the '\0' character code. This is needed for easily moving the caret between two adjacent elements.
    • Method Detail

      • getBeforeElement

        AuthorElementBaseInterface getBeforeElement()
        This functionality is needed from the CSS style matcher, so it will eventually move there. Will be removed in 17.0 or later.
        The before sibling if any.
      • isFirstChildElement

        boolean isFirstChildElement()
        Check if this element is the first child element of the parent.
        Returns true if element is the first child in parent.
      • getLocalName

        java.lang.String getLocalName()
        The element local name.
      • hasPseudoClass

        boolean hasPseudoClass​(java.lang.String name)
        Checks if a pseudo class is set on the element.
        name - The name of the pseudo class. Let say :hover, :active, etc..
        true if the pseudo class is set on the element.
      • setPseudoClass

        void setPseudoClass​(java.lang.String name)
        Sets a pseudo class on the element. Warning: Use this only when the element is from an AuthorDocumentFragment and not from the current AuthorDocument content.
        All operations on nodes from the document model must be done using the AuthorDocumentController methods.
        If the element is part of the edited document, an java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException is thrown.
        name - The name of the pseudo class. Let say :hover, :active, etc..
      • removePseudoClass

        void removePseudoClass​(java.lang.String name)
        Removes a pseudo class from the element. Warning: Use this only when the element is from an AuthorDocumentFragment and not from the current AuthorDocument content.
        All operations on nodes from the document model must be done using the AuthorDocumentController methods.
        If the element is part of the edited document, an java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException is thrown.
        name - The name of the pseudo class. Let say :hover, :active, etc..
      • isEmptyCSS3

        boolean isEmptyCSS3()
        Checks if the element is empty (no content, or elements, may have PIs and Comments).
        true if the element is empty as defined here: