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Oxygen XML offers various default add-ons that can be installed to provide additional functionality to Oxygen XML. Some additional community submissions are also available, although community add-ons are not officially supported or endorsed. For a full list of add-ons that are officially supported for Oxygen XML, see Oxygen XML Add-on Repositories.

This chapter contains information about the default add-ons that are available to install directly from Oxygen XML.

To install one of the default add-ons, follow this procedure:
  1. Go to Help > Install new add-ons to open an add-on selection dialog box.
  2. Enter or paste https://www.oxygenxml.com/InstData/Addons/default/updateSite.xml in the Show add-ons from field or select it from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select the add-on you want to install and click Next.
  4. Read the end-user license agreement. Then select the I accept all terms of the end-user license agreement option and click Finish.
  5. Restart the application.
