CSS Properties
Standard W3C CSS Properties
Property | Supported Values | Unsupported Values | Notes |
alignment-baseline | middle | -oxy-first-line | You can use the -oxy-first-line value only for elements with a
display value of inline-block .By default, the baseline of the inline block is taken from its last line (if content wraps). By using the-oxy-first-line value, the baseline of the inline block is
taken from its first line. |
background | |||
background-color | |||
background-image | |||
background-position | |||
background-repeat | |||
background-size | <length> | <percentage> | initial | unset | ||
bleed | <length> | auto | |
bookmark-label | |||
bookmark-level | |||
bookmark-state | |||
border | |||
border-bottom | |||
border-bottom-color | |||
border-bottom-left-radius | <length> | <percentage> | initial | unset | ||
border-bottom-right-radius | <length> | <percentage> | initial | unset | ||
border-bottom-style | |||
border-bottom-width | |||
border-collapse | separate | collapse | initial | unset | ||
border-color | |||
border-left | |||
border-left-color | |||
border-left-style | |||
border-left-width | |||
border-right | |||
border-right-color | |||
border-radius | <length> | <percentage> | initial | unset |
Cannot be used inside tables along with the
border-collapse property set to |
border-right-style | |||
border-right-width | |||
border-spacing | <length> | initial | unset | ||
border-style | |||
border-top | |||
border-top-color | |||
border-top-left-radius | <length> | <percentage> | initial | unset | ||
border-top-right-radius | <length> | <percentage> | initial | unset | ||
border-top-style | |||
border-top-width | |||
border-width | |||
bottom-property | |||
break-after | auto | always | all | avoid | right | left | column | page | avoid-column | avoid-page | initial | recto | verso | region | avoid-region | |
break-before | auto | always | all | avoid | right | left | column | page | avoid-column | avoid-page | initial | recto | verso | region | avoid-region | |
break-inside | auto | avoid | initial | avoid-page | avoid-column | avoid-region | |
caption-side | top | bottom | initial | unset | left | right | |
color | |||
column-span | |||
content | |||
counter-increment |
counter-reset | |||
direction | |||
display | inline | block | inline-block | table | table-row | table-cell | table-caption | table-row-group | table-header-group | table-footer-group | table-column | -oxy-morph | initial | unset |
For For -oxy-morph, read more here. |
empty-cells | |||
float | |||
font | |||
font-family | |||
font-size | |||
font-src | |||
font-style | |||
font-variant | small-caps | normal | initial | unset | Cannot be combined with the :first-letter pseudo-element or overflow-wrap: break-word CSS property. | |
font-variant-alternates | styleset | initial | unset |
normal | historical-forms | stylistic | character-variant | swash | ornaments | annotation | swash |
Can be used to map a different stylistic alternative for sets of characters. The
parameter is a font-specific name mapped to a number. It corresponds to the OpenType
value ssXY (e.g. ss02 ). Depends on the fonts
capabilities, and applies to open type fonts. |
font-variant-ligatures | normal | none | common-ligatures | no-common-ligatures | discretionary-ligatures | no-discretionary-ligatures | historical-ligatures | no-historical-ligatures | contextual | no-contextual | initial | unset | Controls which ligatures and contextual forms are used in styled text. Depends on the fonts capabilities and applies to open type fonts. | |
font-weight | |||
font-variant-numeric | normal | none | lining-nums | oldstyle-nums | proportional-nums | tabular-nums | diagonal-fractions | stacked-fractions | ordinal | slashed-zero | initial | unset | Controls the usage of alternate glyphs for numbers, fractions, and ordinal markers. | |
height | |||
hyphens | auto | manual | initial | unset | ||
image-resolution | <dpi> | ||
left-property | |||
letter-spacing | Discards the font ligatures. | ||
line-height | |||
list-style | |||
list-style-image | none | url() | initial | unset | ||
list-style-position | |||
list-style-type | <string> | box | check | circle | diamond | disc | hyphen | square | none | decimal | lower-roman | lower-latin | upper-roman | upper-latin | decimal-leading-zero | ||
margin | |||
margin-bottom | <length> | initial | unset | ||
margin-left | <length> | auto | initial | unset | ||
margin-right | <length> | auto | initial | unset | ||
margin-top | <length> | initial | unset | ||
marks | none | crop | cross | ||
max-height | <length> | initial | unset | ||
max-width | <length> | initial | unset | ||
min-height | <length> | initial | unset | ||
min-width | <length> | initial | unset | Not supported for inline blocks and blocks. | |
orphans | <number> | initial | unset | As a difference from the CSS standard, the orphans property is
also applied to lists, as well as paragraphs. This means that a list that spans
consecutive pages will have either zero or at least two lines (not necessarily items)
on the first page. |
outline | |||
outline-color | |||
outline-style | |||
outline-width | |||
overflow-wrap | break-word | initial | unset | Limitations: Should be inserted on parent block elements (including tables) but will be applied on child inline elements. Not supported for justified or hyphenated text paragraphs. | |
padding | |||
padding-bottom | |||
padding-left | |||
padding-right | |||
padding-top | |||
page | |||
page-break-after | auto | always | avoid | left | right | initial | ||
page-break-before | auto | always | avoid | left | right | initial | ||
page-break-inside | auto | avoid | initial | ||
position | fixed | relative | absolute | initial | unset | The absolute and fixed values are not supported for inline elements. | |
right-property | |||
size | |||
string-set | attr() | content() | counter() | The "" value can be used to avoid propagating the past value to
new elements. |
table-column-span | |||
table-layout | fixed | auto | initial | unset | ||
table-row-span | |||
text-align | start | end | left | right | center | justify | justify-all | initial | unset | ||
text-decoration | |||
text-decoration-line | |||
text-decoration-style | solid | double | dotted | dashed | wavy | |
text-indent | |||
text-transform | |||
top-property | |||
transform | |||
transform-rotation | |||
unicode-bidi | |||
vertical-align | baseline | sub | super | text-top | text-bottom | middle | top | bottom | initial | unset | <length> | <percentage> | |
visibility | |||
white-space | normal | nowrap | pre | pre-wrap | initial | unset | ||
widows | <number> | initial | unset | As a difference from the CSS standard, the widows property is
also applied to lists, as well as paragraphs. This means that a list that spans
consecutive pages will have either zero or at least two lines (not necessarily items)
on the next page. |
width | <length> | <percentage> | calc | fill | initial | unset | The fill value can be used only when the matched element has the
display value set to table-cell or table-column and
the parent table has the table-layout: auto value. It will keep all
columns to their minimums, distributing the rest of the space to the ones marked as
fillable (or containing fillable cells). |
Extension CSS Properties
Property | Description | Supported Values | Default Value | Inheritable |
-oxy-alt-text | Used to specify an alternative description for the element that is used by the
PDF readers.
<string> | initial | unset | no | |
-oxy-avoid-breaking-line-at-hyphens | This can be used to avoid a line break inside a word that contains a hard hyphen. This property is deprecated and has been replaced by -oxy-break-line-at-hyphens. | yes | no | no | yes |
-oxy-borders-conditionality | This can be used to configure whether or not bottom and top borders appear on a
split element when a page break occurs. Supported values are:
discard | retain | inherit | initial | unset | discard | no |
-oxy-break-line-at-hyphens | This can be used to set the line break inside a word that contains a hard hyphen.
Supported values are:
Note: Breaking the line at a hard hyphen can cause the PDF
readers to join the lines but discard the hyphen character when copying and pasting
content. |
auto | avoid | always | auto | yes |
-oxy-caption-repeat-on-next-pages |
This can be used to enable table caption repetition on
subsequent pages (when the table is long and it spans multiple pages). It only
affects elements with the Also see the -oxy-show-only-when-caption-repeated-on-next-pages property that can be applied on optional caption static content. |
yes | no | no | yes |
-oxy-changebar-offset | Defines the distance between the text and the change bar. A positive distance is directed away from the column region and into the margin regardless of the -oxy-change-bar-placement. A negative distance is directed towards the content area. | <length> | initial | unset | 6pt | yes |
-oxy-changebar-placement | This property determines where, relative to the column areas, the change bars will occur. | start | end | left | right | inside | outside | alternate | initial | unset | left | yes |
-oxy-changebar-color | Specifies the color of the change bar. | <color> | initial | unset | black | yes |
-oxy-changebar-style | Specifies the style of the change bar. | <border-style> | initial | unset | solid | yes |
-oxy-changebar-width | Specifies the thickness of the change bar. | <border-width> | initial | unset | medium | yes |
-oxy-column-break-after | This can be used to either force or eliminate a column break between the matching
element and the next sibling. Supported values are: always - to force
the column break, or avoid - to keep the end of the matching element
together with the next sibling beginning in the same column. |
always | auto | avoid | initial | unset | auto | no |
-oxy-column-break-before | This can be used to either force or eliminate a column break between the matching
element and the previous sibling. Supported values are: always - to
force the column break, or avoid - to keep the end of the previous
sibling together with the beginning of the matching element in the same
column. |
always | auto | avoid | initial | unset | auto | no |
-oxy-column-break-inside | This can be used to avoid column breaks inside the matching element. Use with care, if the element has large content, it may bleed out of the page. | always | auto | initial | unset | auto | no |
-oxy-crop-box | Specifies the region where the content of the page will be cropped when displayed or printed. | trim-box | bleed-box | media-box | media-box | no |
-oxy-crop-offset | Specifies an extended area outside the original region where the content of the
page will be cropped when displayed or printed. Up to 4 values can be set
(top , right , bottom ,
left ), separated by spaces. |
<length> | no | |
-oxy-force-page-count | Used to impose a constraint on the number of pages in a page sequence. It may
increase the total number of pages from the page sequence by adding blank
auto | even | odd | end-on-even | end-on-odd | no-force | inherit | initial | unset | auto | no |
-oxy-foreground-image | This can be used to define a foreground image that will be displayed above the content, like a watermark. | url() | none | inherit | initial | unset | no | |
-oxy-hyphenation-character | Used to specify the Unicode character to be presented when a hyphenation break
occurs. To hide hyphens, use the space
<character> | inherit | initial | unset | U+00AD | yes |
-oxy-hyphenation-push-character-count | Used to specify the minimum number of characters in a hyphenated word after the
hyphenation character (the minimum number of characters in the word pushed to the next
<number> | inherit | initial | unset | 2 | yes |
-oxy-hyphenation-remain-character-count | Used to specify the minimum number of characters in a hyphenated word before the
hyphenation character (the minimum number of characters in the word left on the line
ending with the hyphenation
<number> | inherit | initial | unset | 2 | yes |
-oxy-initial-page-number | Used to set the initial page number to be used on this particular page
<number> |auto | auto-odd | auto-even | inherit | initial | unset | auto | no |
-oxy-link | Used to create links in the PDF
none | url() | initial | unset | no | |
-oxy-page-group | Using the start value forces the creation of a new page group (sequence)
even if the page before the element has the same name. The auto value uses the
W3C algorithm normally, which would merge the current element with the open page
start | auto | initial | unset | auto | no |
-oxy-pdf-meta-author | Used to forward meta-information to the PDF. Represents the author of the
<string> | initial | unset | no | |
-oxy-pdf-meta-custom | Used to forward meta-information to the PDF. Represents a generic custom document
property. Should have two strings, the name and the
<string> | initial | unset | no | |
-oxy-pdf-meta-copyright | Specifies the copyright
<string> | initial | unset | no | |
-oxy-pdf-meta-copyrighted | Specifies whether or not the publication is copyrighted or from public
copyrighted | public-domain | initial | unset | no | |
-oxy-pdf-meta-copyright-url | Specifies the location of the external copyright
<string> | initial | unset | no | |
-oxy-pdf-meta-description | Used to forward meta-information to the PDF. Represents the description of the
<string> | initial | unset | no | |
-oxy-pdf-meta-keyword | Used to forward meta-information to the PDF. Represents a single keyword from the
publication. The processor should aggregate all keyword definitions and separate them
<string> | initial | unset | no | |
-oxy-pdf-meta-keywords | Used to forward meta-information to the PDF. Represents the keywords of the
publication. The value should contain the keywords separated by
<string> | initial | unset | no | |
-oxy-pdf-meta-title | Used to forward meta-information to the PDF. Represents the title of the
<string> | initial | unset | no | |
-oxy-pdf-table-omit-footer-at-break | Flag that indicates if the table footer should be omitted after a page break. | true | false | inherit | initial | unset | false | no |
-oxy-pdf-table-omit-header-at-break | Flag that indicates if the table header should be omitted after a page break. | true | false | inherit | initial | unset | false | no |
-oxy-pdf-viewer-display-filename | Flag that indicates whether the PDF viewer should display the filename
(true) or the document title (false) for the generated
true | false | initial | unset | false | no |
-oxy-pdf-viewer-fit-window | Flag that specifies whether or not to resize the document’s window to fit it to
the size of the first displayed
true | false | initial | unset | false | no |
-oxy-pdf-viewer-hide-menubar | Flag that indicates if the PDF viewer should hide its menu bar when opening the
true | false | initial | unset | false | no |
-oxy-pdf-viewer-hide-toolbar | Flag that indicates whether or not the PDF viewer should hide its toolbar when
opening the PDF
true | false | initial | unset | false | no |
-oxy-pdf-viewer-page-layout | Specifies the page layout to be used when the document is
Note: These values are similar to those from the PDF
specification (the "Document Catalog/Page Layout" section). |
single-page | one-column | two-column-left | two-column-right | two-page-left | two-page-right | initial | unset | no | |
-oxy-pdf-viewer-page-mode | Specifies which left-side view should be visible when the PDF document is opened,
or if the document should be full screen. The use-outlines value
refers to the bookmark
Note: These values are similar to those from the PDF
specification (the "Document Catalog/Page Mode" section). |
use-none | use-outlines | use-thumbs | full-screen | initial | unset | no | |
-oxy-pdf-viewer-zoom | A percentage or a fit value that indicates the zoom factor or the fitting factor
of the PDF viewer.
<percentage> | fit-page | fit-width | fit-height | initial | unset | no | |
-oxy-pdf-tag-type | Maps an element to a PDF accessibility tag.
<string> | initial | unset | no | |
-oxy-scale | Specifies a scale factor (on both the x and y axis) for the PDF output. If only one number is provided, it is used for both the x and y scales. A scale factor smaller than 1 shrinks the page. A scale factor greater than 1 enlarges the page. | <number> | no | |
-oxy-simulate-style |
Set this flag to yes when the styles (bold, italic, or both) need to be simulated from a regular font. See: Using Simulated (Synthetic) Styles. |
yes | no | no | |
-oxy-space-after-conditionality | Specifies whether the bottom margin (margin-bottom property) of
an element should be kept or discarded. |
discard | retain | inherit | initial | unset | discard | no |
-oxy-space-before-conditionality | Specifies whether the top margin (margin-top property) of an
element should be kept or discarded. |
discard | retain | inherit | initial | unset | discard | no |
-oxy-style | An Oxygen extension used to define additional styles for an element (for example,
collected from an attribute).
The value of the style attribute from the div element is parsed as a
collection of CSS properties and applied over the current element styles. For
instance, if the style attribute has the value color:green; border: 1pt solid
red , it will combine with the existing properties, resulting
CSS fragment | no | |
-oxy-show-only-when-caption-repeated-on-next-pages |
This property only affects a |
yes | no | no | |
-oxy-video-cover | This property can be used to set a cover image on videos. This image will appear as a placeholder in the PDF output. If it is not set, a default cover is used. | none | url() | initial | unset | no |