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Adding or Removing a Framework

Add a New Framework

To add a new framework to your Oxygen XML Web Author, follow these steps:
  1. Go to your Administration Page.
  2. Select Frameworks.
  3. Click Upload Framework and choose a framework to upload.
    Important: The framework should be a ZIP or JAR archive that contains exactly one folder. This folder should contain the framework descriptor file with the .framework extension and other supporting files. If the uploaded archive does not have this format you will receive an error that the upload was rejected.

    Step Result: The framework should appear in the list on this Frameworks page. Uploaded frameworks appear with a light green highlight so that you can identify them easily.

  4. Once you are finished with all of your changes, restart the server.

Delete a Framework

To delete a framework from your Oxygen XML Web Author, follow these steps:
  1. Go to your Administration Page.
  2. Select Frameworks.
  3. Find the framework you want to delete and click the Schedule for deletion button on the right side of its name.
  4. Restart Oxygen XML Web Author to apply the changes.

Restore an Original Built-in Framework

If you have deleted or replaced one of the built-in frameworks and you want to restore it to its original state, follow this procedure:
  1. Download the All Platforms distribution.
  2. Unzip the downloaded archive.
  3. Go to [OXYGEN_WEBAUTHOR_INSTALL_DIR]/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/oxygen-xml-web-author/frameworks.
  4. Create a zip archive that contains the folder for the desired framework (only one).
  5. Upload it using the Add a New Framework procedure above.