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How to Perform Common Review Tasks

Review Pane

This section describes how to work with the Review pane in Oxygen XML Web Author and how to perform some of the most common review tasks. To open the Review pane, tap or click its expandable arrow in the area on the right side of the screen. If the side panes are not displayed, click the arrow button () at the bottom of the side-pane stripe.

If you place the cursor in a comment or tracked change in the main editor, those items are highlighted in the Review pane. Conversely, when you select a comment in the Review pane, a temporary line is shown that connects the review item with its corresponding comment or change in the editor and it remains highlighted in both the Review pane and the main editor pane.

Figure 1. Review Pane

Use the Review Pane to View Comments or Tracked Changes

  1. Tap or click the Review Pane tab on the right side of the screen. If the side panes are not displayed, click the arrow button () at the bottom of the side-pane stripe.
  2. Tap or click one of the comments or tracked changes to see it highlighted in the document area.
  3. Hover over or select a comment/change to display actions that are available for that particular item.

Filter Comments and Changes

To filter the comments and changes (for example, to only show items for a particular author or to only show a certain type of review item), enter queries in the text filter at the top of the pane.

Table 1. Filter Syntax
Filter Description Possible values Example
author Filters by the author name Any author name author:Jane / @Jane
type Filters only the items of the given type comment, change, highlight, insert, delete type:comment some comment content
before Filters items before the given date yyyy/mm/dd before:2016/04/22
after Filters items after the given date yyyy/mm/dd after:2015/03/15
@Jim type:comment before:2016/04/22 some comment

Activate Change Tracking

Tap or click the Toggle Change Tracking button from the toolbar to enable or disable this feature.

Accept or Reject Tracked Changes

  1. To accept a change (or a selection of multiple changes), tap or click the Accept Change button from the toolbar (on a desktop device, you can also select this action from the contextual menu), or select the change in the Review pane and click the Accept button. To accept all tracked changes in the current document, click the Accept all changes button at the bottom of the Review pane.
  2. To reject a change (or a selection of multiple changes), tap or click the Reject Change button from the toolbar (on a desktop device, you can also select this action from the contextual menu), or select the change in the Review pane and click the Reject button. To reject all tracked changes in the current document, click the Reject all changes button at the bottom of the Review pane.
Note: When the comments and changes are filtered, the Accept all changes and Reject all changes buttons will only apply to tracked changes that also match the filter.

Add a Comment

  1. Make a selection in the document content.
  2. Tap or click the Add comment button from the toolbar (on a desktop device, you can also select this action from the contextual menu).
  3. Input a comment in the displayed dialog box. Tap or click Comment to commit it into the document.
  4. The commented text is highlighted.

Edit or Remove an Existing Comment

  1. You can only edit comments that you added to the document. To do so, select the comment in the main editing area and tap or click the Edit Comment button from the toolbar (on a desktop device, you can also select this action from the contextual menu), or select the comment in the Review pane and click the Edit button.
  2. You can remove any comment, regardless of who added it to the document. To do so, select the comment in the main editing area and tap or click the Remove Comment button from the toolbar (on a desktop device, you can also select this action from the contextual menu), or select the change in the Review pane and click the Remove button.

Reply to Comments or Changes

  1. Select the comment or change in the Review pane and select Reply (on a desktop device, you can also select this action from the contextual menu). A dialog box will be displayed that allows you to add your reply.
  2. Select OK to add your reply to the comment thread. The replies are displayed with an indentation in the Review pane.

Mark Changes or Comments as Done

Select the change or comment in the Review pane and select Mark as Done. This toggles the button and marks the change or comment as being done by graying it out in the Review pane. You can mark a whole comment thread as being done by selecting the action on the first (parent) comment or change in the thread.

Navigate Through the Comments or Tracked Changes

Use the left and right arrow buttons () from the toolbar or click any item in the Review pane to navigate between comments or tracked changes.

The currently selected comment or tracked change is:
  • Highlighted in the document (in the main editor) with a contrasting background color. Also, if the Review pane is not visible, the start of the current comment or tracked change is designated with a small temporary triangle marker.
  • Highlighted in the right-side Review pane.
  • Designated with a temporary arrow that connects the entry in the Review pane with its corresponding comment or change in the document (in the main editor).

Using Inline Actions in the Editing Pane

This section describes how to perform common review tasks in Oxygen XML Web Author using the inline actions available in a tooltip displayed when hovering over a comment or change in the main editing area.

Figure 2. Web Author Review Tooltip

Accept or Reject Tracked Changes

  1. To accept a change, tap or click the Accept button from the review tooltip.
  2. To reject a change, tap or click the Reject button from the review tooltip.

Remove an Existing Comment

You can remove any comment, regardless of who added it to the document. To do so, tap or click the Remove button. If there are replies added to a comment, use the Remove all button to remove the entire conversation.

Reply to Comments or Changes

To reply to a comment or change, tap or click the Reply button from the review tooltip.

Overlapping Tooltip Sensitive Areas

When you hover over a spot that contains multiple commented or changed text areas, the tooltip displays the list of threads available in that area.

To expand a particular thread, click or tap the thread item.

Figure 3. Multiple Threads in a Review Tooltip