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Enabling DITA Map Inline Insertion Actions by Default

The More drop-down menu in the top toolbar includes a Choose styles action that opens a dialog box where you can select styles to easily change the look of the document as it appears in the editor. There is an Inline insertion actions option listed under Additional styles that is for DITA map documents and it adds inline actions that makes it easy to insert new topic references.

Figure 1. Inline Insertion Action Widget in a DITA Map Document

There are several ways to make this additional style be enabled by default for all users.

Enable Inline Insertion Actions by Setting Loading Options with a JavaScript Plugin

To set this alternate style as enabled for all users, you can create a plugin to set a LoadingOptions type of definition from the Workspace API, like this:

goog.events.listen(workspace, sync.api.Workspace.EventType.BEFORE_EDITOR_LOADED, function(e) {
  if (e.options.url.endsWith('.ditamap')) {
    // Activate the stylesheet that activates inline insertion actions for DITA Map files
    e.options['stylesheet-titles'] = 'Basic,+ Inline insertion actions';

Enable Inline Insertion Actions Using a Framework Extension Script File

To set the alternate style as enabled by default, add the following to your framework extension script file (.exf):

    <removeCss path="${framework}/css/webauthor/map-inline-insertion-actions.css"/>
    <addCss path="${framework(DITA Map)}/css/webauthor/map-inline-insertion-actions.css"/>

Note that the "DITA Map" inside brackets for the $(framework) variable specifies the base framework so that it expands to that location rather than the new framework.

You can find the full example at oxygen-sample-frameworks.

Enable Inline Insertion Actions in a Framework Extension

In a custom framework configuration, go to the CSS tab in the Document Type configuration dialog box (in a standalone version of Oxygen XML Editor/Author), find the ${framework}/css/webauthor/map-inline-insertion-actions.css entry in the table, and change the Alternate column for that CSS file to no and remove the value from the Title column.

How to Only Enable the Actions for Some Users or a Certain Role

To load a custom framework depending on the user's role, you can install the user role plugin to use as a starting point.

For example, to set the style as enabled only for Subject Matter Experts: