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HTML Content Completion Assistant

Oxygen XML Author Eclipse plugin includes an intelligent Content Completion Assistant that offers proposals for inserting HTML structures that are valid at the current editing location. Content completion is even available for CSS and JavaScript code that is embedded in an HTML document.

The Content Completion Assistant is enabled by default. To disable it, open the Preferences dialog box , go to Editor > Content Completion, and deselect the Enable content completion option.

Figure 1. Content Completion Assistant in HTML

Using the Content Completion in HTML

For HTML documents, the Content Completion Assistant uses a built-in schema and the list of proposals depend on the RELAX NG schema specified in the HTML framework. Using the content completion feature is the same as with any other XML document. For more details, see:

Code Templates in the Content Completion

Oxygen XML Author Eclipse plugin includes a set of built-in code templates for HTML documents that can be selected from the Content Completion Assistant. The code templates are displayed with a symbol in the content completion list. You can also define your own code templates and share them with others. For more information, see Code Templates.

Content Completion for XPath Expressions

When entering XPath expressions in the XPath Builder view, the Content Completion Assistant is available as you type to help you compose query patterns.