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Actions Available in the Markdown Editor

Aside from the actions that are available in Oxygen XML Author Eclipse plugin for any type of document (such as the actions in the various menus and the common sections of the toolbar), a variety of unique actions are also available in the Markdown editor, from the toolbar and contextual menu.

Toolbar Actions

The following default actions are available on the Markdown toolbar when editing Markdown documents:

Header (1st Level)
Inserts an atx-style first-level header at the cursor position.
Header (2st Level)
Inserts an atx-style second-level header at the cursor position.
Header (3rd Level)
Inserts an atx-style third-level header at the cursor position.
Horizontal Rule
Inserts a horizontal rule at the cursor position.
Bold (Strong)
Marks the selected text with bold.
Italic (Emphasis)
Marks the selected text with italics.
Marks the selected text with a strikethrough.
Code Block
Inserts (or surrounds selected text in) a codeblock.
Inserts a blockquote at the cursor position.
Insert Link

Opens the Insert Link dialog box that allows you to define a link to insert at the cursor position.

Figure 1. Insert Link Dialog Box
Insert Image

Opens the Insert Image dialog box that allows you to define an image to insert at the cursor position. You can type the URL of the image you want to insert or use browsing actions in the Browse drop-down menu.

Figure 2. Insert Link Dialog Box
Insert Ordered List
Inserts an ordered list at the cursor position. Three child list items are also automatically inserted by default. You can also use this action to convert selected content to an ordered list.
Insert Unordered List
Inserts an unordered list at the cursor position. Three child list items are also automatically inserted by default. You can also use this action to convert selected content to an unordered list.
Insert Task List
Inserts a task list at the cursor position. Three child list items are also automatically inserted by default. You can also use this action to convert selected content to a task list.
Insert Table
Inserts a table at the cursor position.
Tags Display Mode drop-down menu

Allows you to control the amount of markup that is displayed in the Preview pane and offers the following choices:

Full Tags with Attributes
Displays full tag names with attributes for both block and inline elements.Oxygen XML Author Eclipse plugin
Full Tags
Displays full tag names without attributes for both block elements and inline elements.
Block Tags
Displays full tag names for block elements and simple tags without names for inline elements.
Block Tags without Element Names
Displays tags for block elements but without element names for a more compact version of Block Tags mode. You can still see the element names by hovering over the tags.
Inline Tags
Displays full tag names for inline elements, while block elements are not displayed.
Partial Tags
Displays simple tags without names for inline elements, while block elements are not displayed.
No Tags
No tags are displayed. This is the most compact mode and is as close as possible to a word-processor view.
Configure Tags Display Mode
Use this option to go to the Author preferences page where you can configure the Tags Display Mode options.

Contextual Menu Actions

The following default actions are available in the contextual menu when editing Markdown documents:

Cut, Copy, Paste
Use these actions to execute the typical editing actions on the currently selected content.
Show/Hide Preview
A toggle action that shows or hides the Preview pane.
Export as DITA Topic
Converts the current Markdown document into a DITA topic.
Export as XDITA Topic
Converts the current Markdown document into a Lightweight DITA XML topic.
Export as HTML
Converts the current Markdown document into an XHTML document.
Print (Available in the Preview pane)
Opens a page setup dialog box that allows you to configure printing options for the current document.