DIFF Preferences
To access the DIFF preferences page, go to Window (Eclipse on macOSX) and choose . This preferences page includes the following sections and options:
- Enable file comparison in Text mode
- When selected, the text-based comparison mode is available when comparing XML files.
- Enable file comparison in Author mode
- When selected, the visual comparison mode is available when comparing XML files.
- Two-Way Diff section
- Default algorithm
- The default algorithm used for comparing two files. The following options are
- Auto - Selects the most appropriate algorithm, based on the compared content and its size (selected by default).
- XML Fast - Comparison that works well on large files or fragments, but it is less precise than XML Accurate.
- XML Accurate - Comparison that is more precise than XML Fast, at the expense of speed. It compares two XML files or fragments looking for identical XML nodes.
- Algorithm strength
- Controls the amount of resources allocated to the application to perform the comparison. The algorithm stops searching more differences when reaches the maximum allowed resources. A dialog box is displayed when this limit is reached and partial results are displayed. Four settings are available: Low, Medium (default), High and Very High.
- Three-Way Diff section
- Default algorithm
- The default algorithm used for performing a three-way comparison. The
following options are available:
- Auto - Selects the most appropriate algorithm, based on the compared content and its size (selected by default).
- XML Fast - Comparison that works well on large files or fragments, but it is less precise than XML Accurate.
- XML Accurate - Comparison that is more precise than XML Fast, at the expense of speed. It compares two XML files or fragments looking for identical XML nodes.
- Algorithm strength
- Controls the amount of resources allocated to the application to perform the comparison. The algorithm stops searching more differences when reaches the maximum allowed resources. A dialog box is displayed when this limit is reached and partial results are displayed. Four settings are available: Low, Medium (default), High and Very High.
- Show pseudo conflicts
- Specifies whether or not the file comparison displays pseudo-conflicts. A pseudo-conflict occurs when two users make the same change (for example, when they both add or remove the same line of code).
- XML Diff section
- In this section, you can choose to ignore Namespaces, Prefixes, Namespace declarations, and the Attribute order.