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Help Menu

The Oxygen XML Developer Help menu provides various resources to assist you with your tasks.

This menu includes the following actions or options:
This option opens the Welcome screen that includes some resources to assist you with using Oxygen XML Developer.
Help (F1)
Use this action (or the F1 key) to open a dialog box that presents a section in the User Manual that is appropriate for the context of the current cursor position. If the Use online help option is selected, this action will open the User Manual in an online mode.
Show Dynamic Help view

Use this action to open a view that loads the latest online WebHelp version of the Oxygen XML Developer User Manual, and dynamically opens a topic that is relevant to the focused editor, view, or dialog box.

You can also open the Dynamic Help view by selecting it from the Window > Show View menu.

Download User Manual
Opens the appropriate HTML page for downloading the Oxygen XML Developer User Manual. This action is helpful if your internet access is restricted and you need to access the user guide.
Install new add-ons
Opens a dialog box that allows you to install new add-ons to extend the functionality of Oxygen XML Developer.
Check for add-ons updates
Opens a dialog box that allows you to check for updates on installed add-ons.
Manage add-ons
Opens a dialog box that allows you to manage installed add-ons.
Check for a New Version
Use this action to view information about the latest version of Oxygen XML Developer.
Check for notifications
Use this action to have the application check Oxygen's website for news and events that will be displayed in a dialog box.
Browse Oxygen Website
Opens the Oxygen XML Developer website in your default internet browser.
If you encounter problems with your Oxygen XML Developer license, you can use this option to open a dialog box that provides options for obtaining or using a license key.
Lock/Unlock floating license
If you are using a Floating License, you can lock it so that it does not get released to the pool unless you or the system administrator unlocks it.
Report problem
You can use this option to open a dialog box that allows you to write the description of a problem that was encountered while using the application. You can also select additional information to be sent to the technical support team in the five tabs:
  • General info - You can edit your contact details in case you want to be contacted for further details or to be notified of a resolution.
  • Class Loader URLs - You can choose whether or not to include the listed Class Loader URLs with your report.
  • System properties - You can choose whether or not to include the listed system property details with your report.
    Tip: You are able to change the URL where the reported problem is sent by using the com.oxygenxml.report.problems.url system property. The report is sent in XML format through the report parameter of the POST HTTP method.
  • Plugins - You can choose whether or not to include details about your installed plugins with your report.
  • Frameworks - You can choose whether or not to include details about your installed frameworks with your report.
Support Center
Use this option to open the Oxygen XML Developer Support Section of the Website.
Support Tools > Clipboard Inspector
Opens a dialog box that displays extensive details of all the transferable objects from the clipboard. This is helpful if you experience problems while copying content from other applications and pasting it into Oxygen XML Developer. You can use the Copy button to copy all of this data and then paste it into an email to be sent to the Oxygen support team.
Support Tools > Randomize XML text content
Use this action when you need to send samples to the Oxygen support team and you want to keep the text content confidential. It opens a dialog box that allows you to select the resources that will have the text content randomized. You can then save the resources and send them to the Oxygen support team without fear of compromising sensitive or private data. For more information, see Randomize XML Text Content.
Warning: Before using this action, it is highly recommended that you copy the XML resources to be processed, save them in a separate folder, and then process this operation on the copies instead of the original files. Otherwise, you may lose your original content.
Tip of the Day
Opens a dialog box that offers tips for using Oxygen XML Developer.
Use this option to open a dialog box that contains information about Oxygen XML Developer and the installed version. This dialog box includes the following tabs:
  • Copyright - This tab contains general information about the product and the version of the product you are using, along with contact details and the SGN number. Details regarding the memory usage are also presented at the bottom of the dialog box.
  • Libraries - This tab presents the list of third-party libraries that Oxygen XML Developer uses. To view the End-User Licence Agreement of each library, double-click it.
  • Frameworks - This tab contains a list with the frameworks that are bundled with Oxygen XML Developer.
  • System Properties - This tab contains a list with system properties and their values. The contextual menu allows you to select and copy the properties.