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Contextual Menu Actions in JSON Documents

When editing JSON documents, Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin provides the following actions in the contextual menu:

Cut, Copy, Paste
Executes the typical editing actions on the currently selected content.
Copy JSON Pointer
Creates a JSON Pointer at the current cursor location and copies the expression that denotes the JSON pointer to the system clipboard.
Copy XPath
Copies the XPath expression of the current property from the current editor to the clipboard.
Toggle Line Wrap (Ctrl + Shift + Y (Command + Shift + Y on macOS))
Enables or disables line wrapping. When enabled, if text exceeds the width of the displayed editor, content is wrapped so that you do not have to scroll horizontally.
Go to Matching Bracket
Moves the cursor to the end bracket that matches the start bracket, or vice versa.
Flatten Schema
Available only if the JSON document is a JSON schema, it flattens the entire hierarchy of the JSON schema. For more details, see Flatten JSON Schema.
Open File at Cursor
Opens the file at the cursor position in a new panel. If the file path represents a directory path, it will be opened in system file browser. If the file at the specified location does not exist, an error dialog box is displayed and it includes a Create new file button that starts the New document wizard. This allows you to choose the type or the template for the file. If the action succeeds, the file is created with the referenced location and name and is opened in a new editor panel.