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DITA Map Transformation Scenarios

Built-in transformation scenarios allow you to transform DITA maps to a variety of outputs, such as WebHelp, PDF, ODF, XHTML, EPUB, CHM, Kindle, and MS Word. Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin also includes a special Integrate/Install DITA-OT Plugins that can be used to integrate a DITA-OT plugin and a DITA Map Metrics Report transformation that generates a statistics report for your DITA map. All of them are listed in the DITA Map section in the Configure Transformation Scenario(s) dialog box.

A variety of transformations scenarios are available for DITA maps:
  • Built-in transformation scenarios allow you to transform a DITA map to a variety of outputs, such as WebHelp, PDF, ODF, XHTML, EPUB, CHM, Kindle, Metrics Report, and MS Word.
  • Integrate/Install DITA-OT Plugins - Use this transformation scenario if you want to integrate a DITA-OT plugin. This scenario runs an Ant task that integrates all the plugins from the DITA-OT/plugins directory.