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YAML Preferences

Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin can provide content completion suggestions when you are editing YAML files. To configure content completion support for YAML, open the Preferences dialog box and go to Editor > Content Completion > YAML. You can configure the following options:

Generate required content
When invoking content completion over YAML files, all contextual required content is automatically generated according to the specifications from the associated JSON schema.
Property value
You can specify the way the values of the properties are generated. The following options are available:
  • None - Assigns empty values for properties (a template file will be generated). This is the default value.
  • Default - Assigns the name of the property as the value (for strings) or assigns the specified minimum value (for numbers).
  • Random - Assigns random values according to schema restrictions.
Generate optional properties
If selected, optional properties that are defined in the associated JSON schema will be added when using content completion in YAML files.
Generate additional content
If selected, additional properties (or additional items for arrays) that are defined in the associated JSON schema will be added when using content completion in YAML files.