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Change the Default Track Changes (Review) Author Name

Use Case

You want to change the default author name used for Tracked Changes in the Author Component.


The Track Changes (Review) author name is determined in the following order:
  1. API - The review user name can be imposed through the following API:
  2. Options - If the author name was not imposed from the API, it is determined from the Author option set in the Review preferences page.
  3. System properties - If the author name was not imposed from the API or from the application options then the following system property is used:
So, to impose the Track Changes author, use one of the following approaches:
  1. Use the API to impose the reviewer author name. Here is the online Javadoc of this method: https://www.oxygenxml.com/InstData/Editor/SDK/javadoc/ro/sync/ecss/extensions/api/AuthorReviewController.html#setReviewerAuthorName(java.lang.String)
  2. Customize the default options and set a specific value for the Author name option set in the Review preferences page.
  3. Set the value of user.name system property when the Author Component is initializing and before any document is loaded.