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Flagging Content

In DITA, you can mark certain content to flag it or draw attention to it. This is done by defining a flag in a DITAVAL file.

You can attach the DITAVAL file to the DITA map using the <ditavalref> element in the map, or by specifying it in the args.filter transformation parameter.

In the following example, all the elements that have the attribute @product set to YourProd is flagged to have a purple background:

   <prop action="flag" att="product" val="YourProd" backcolor="purple"/>
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How to Flag Content Using Change Bars

As an example, to add a change bar (revision mark) for particular content, you can use the following in the DITAVAL file:
  <revprop action="flag" 
    changebar="color:blue;style:solid;width:2pt;offset:1.25mm;placement:start" val="new"/>

This would result in any content that is marked with @rev="new" having a blue change bar.

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How to Flag Content Using Images

You can mark the elements that match a specific profiling condition using images (one for the start, one for the end). The image references are relative to the DITAVAL file.

   <prop action="flag" 
          att="product"  val="MyProd" 
          color="yellow" >

      <startflag imageref="startflag.jpg">
        <alt-text>This is the start of my product info</alt-text>

      <endflag imageref="endflag.jpg">
        <alt-text>This is the end of my product info</alt-text>