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Extra Free Publishing Plugins

The DITA Open Toolkit publishing engine comes with support for predefined output formats such as HTM5, PDF, and Eclipse Help. Since the architecture of the publishing engine is plugin-based, over time, lots of useful plugins were developed in the Oxygen XML GitHub account that enhance the publishing and some of them are listed below. The plugins that are already installed within the DITA-OT engine that comes bundled with Oxygen XML Editor Eclipse plugin are listed with a [Bundled] marker.

Plugin that Converts DITA Maps to PDF Using CSS 3 [Bundled]

You can use this very popular plugin to publish DITA to PDF output using CSS. As the publishing engine, it can use the Oxygen XML Chemistry processor (freely bundled with Oxygen XML Editor), the Antenna House engine, or the Prince XML engine.

DITA Metrics Report [Bundled]

This is a very useful open-source plugin can be used to generate an HTML report from an existing DITA project and contains a lot of useful information, including:
  • Total number of maps and topics that are part of the project.
  • Total number of elements used in topics and maps along with a table presenting all element names and their usage counter.
  • The used elements for each DITA domain.
  • Total number of attributes used in topics and maps along with a table presenting all attribute names and their usage counter.
  • Statistics about the conditional attributes used in the project.
  • Information about content reuse.
  • Text and content statistics, including both total words (word count) and unique words (vocabulary).
  • List of largest and smallest topics and the number of words each one uses.
  • Listing of all links to resources outside of the project.
  • A metrics evolution report between different versions of your documentation.

Export DITA Map Plugin [Bundled]

You can use this free plugin to create a ZIP file from your entire DITA project. The plugin also takes filters/profiling into account when including topics.

Publish DITA Content with References to Video and Audio Resources. [Bundled]

A DITA Open Toolkit plugin can be used to convert the DITA <object> element to various HTML 5 structures (such as <<video>, <audio>, or <iframe>).

Show Consecutive Codeblocks in Multiple Tabs for WebHelp Output

This open-source plugin can be used to display consecutive DITA <codeblock> elements in separate tabs.

Add Edit Links in HTML or PDF-based Output [Bundled]

This plugin can be used to add edit links in HTML or PDF-based output that allows subject matter experts to offer feedback for the published content directly in the source using a DITA web editing tool (such as Oxygen XML Web Author).

Create a Single Merged XML Document From an Entire DITA Project [Bundled]

This plugin can be used to produce a merged output from the entire DITA map structure without further processing. It is useful if you want to further process the merged XML document for producing various reports.

Dynamically Publish Excel Content as DITA

A DITA Open Toolkit plugin that can be used to dynamically convert Excel files to DITA (Excel files referenced with format="excel" in DITA maps).

Dynamically Use JSON Content in DITA Topics

A DITA Open Toolkit plugin that can be used to dynamically convert JSON content to DITA (JSON files referenced with format="json" in DITA maps).

Dynamically Publish ASCIIDoc Content as DITA

A DITA Open Toolkit plugin that can be used to dynamically convert ASCIIDoc content to DITA (ASCIIDoc files referenced with format="ant-parser" in DITA maps).

Embed HTML Content in DITA Topics [Bundled]

A plugin that can be used to embed well-formed HTML content in a DITA topic inside a special element.

Embed LateX Equations in DITA Content

A DITA Open Toolkit plugin that can be used to publish embedded LateX mathematical equations to HTML and PDF.

Embed UML Diagrams in DITA Content

A DITA Open Toolkit plugin that can be used to publish embedded UML diagrams equations to HTML and PDF.

Float Images in HTML and PDF Outputs

A plugin that can be used to float an image referenced in a DITA topic left or right depending on the specified @outputclass attribute value.

Embed Referenced MathML and SVGZ Images in HTML Output

A DITA Open Toolkit plugin that can be used to embed referenced MathML and SVG images in the HTML5 and XHTML output.

Dynamically Convert DITA Tables to Graphs

A DITA Open Toolkit plugin that converts DITA tables having a certain structure to SVG graphs.

Show Oxygen Change Tracking Information in the PDF Output [Bundled]

This plugin can be used to display Oxygen XML Editor tracked changes (insertions, deletions, or comments) in the PDF output.

Sample Customization Plugin for Classic PDF (XSL-FO) Output

This sample DITA Open Toolkit PDF customization plugin is a good starting point if you want to:
  • Customize fonts.

  • Customize a cover page to provide custom logos and coloring.

  • Customize page headers and footers.

PDF (XSL-FO) - Generate Numbers Before a Topic's Title

A DITA-OT PDF2 customization plugin that can be installed to generate numbers before each topic's title.

Presents Chapters With Landscape Orientation in PDF (XSL-FO) output

A PDF customization folder that can be used to define landscape orientation for a certain chapter.