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JSON to XML Converter

Online JSON to XML Converter


For a simple ONLINE tool for converting a single JSON file to XML, or vice versa, go to: https://www.oxygenxml.com/xml_json_converter.html.

Converting JSON to XML in Oxygen

Oxygen JSON Editor includes a useful and simple tool for converting JSON files to XML. The JSON to XML action for invoking the tool can be found in the Tools > JSON Tools menu.

To convert a JSON document to XML, follow these steps:

  1. Select the JSON to XML action from the Tools > JSON Tools menu.

    The JSON to XML dialog box is displayed:

    Figure 1. JSON to XML Dialog Box
  2. Choose or enter the Input URL of the JSON document.
  3. Choose the path of the Output file that will contain the resulting XML document.
  4. Select the Open in Editor option to open the resulting XML document in the main editing pane.
  5. Click the Convert button.

Result: The original JSON document is now converted to an XML document.

Figure 2. Example: XML to JSON Operation Result

Conversion Details

  • If the JSON document has more than one property on the first level, the converted XML document will have an additional root element called <JSON>.

    For example, the following JSON document:
       "personnel": {
        "person": [
          {"name": "Boss"},
          {"name": "Worker"}
    it is converted to:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  • If the JSON document is an array, the converted XML document will have a root element called <array> and for each item within the array, another <array> is created.
      {"name": "Boss"},
      {"name": "Worker"}
    it is converted to:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  • If the name of a JSON property contains characters that are not valid in XML element names (for example, $), then the invalid characters will be escaped as its hexadecimal equivalent in the converted XML.
    {"$id": "personnel-id"}
    is converted to: