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Custom System Properties

A variety of Java system properties can be set in the application to influence its behavior. For information about how to do this, see Setting a System Property.

  • Allowed Values: true or false
  • Default Value: false
  • Purpose: By default, Oxygen JSON Editor uses the open source Apache HTTP Client software for HTTP(S) connections. If set to True, the default Java Sun HTTP(S) will be used instead. You will also lose WebDAV support and possibly other related features.
  • Allowed Values: true or false
  • Default Value: true
  • Purpose: When set to false, Oxygen JSON Editor will not display the messages that remind you to renew your Support and Maintenance Pack that covers your current license.
  • Allowed Values: true or false
  • Default Value: true
  • Purpose: Enables content reference caching.
  • Allowed Values: true or false
  • Default Value: false
  • Purpose: When set to false, Oxygen JSON Editor does not show the Grid editing mode when opening an XML document.
  • Allowed Values: true or false
  • Default Value: false
  • Purpose: System property that can be set to true to force the default detection of java accessibility. If com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessBridge cannot be loaded, Oxygen JSON Editor forces the Java accessibility to be disabled.
  • Allowed Values: An integer (minutes)
  • Default Value: 120
  • Purpose: Stores the time interval (in minutes) before floating licenses are released in case of application's inactivity.
  • Allowed Values: Language code (for example, en-us)
  • Default Value: N/A
  • Purpose: Property that holds the language code set during installation.
  • Allowed Values: A URL-type relative or absolute path.
  • Default Value: N/A
  • Purpose: Provides the path to an XML file containing default application options.
  • Allowed Values: A file system absolute path pointing to a folder.
  • Default Value: N/A
  • Purpose: Sets a folder to be used by the application to load and save preference files. The default location where the options are saved varies according to the operating system. For more details, see Importing/Exporting/Resetting Global Options.
com.oxygenxml.ApplicationDataFolder (Windows only)
  • Allowed Values: A file system absolute path pointing to a folder.
  • Default Value: %APPDATA%
  • Purpose: When the application runs on Windows, you can set this property to change the location where the application considers that the APPDATA folder is located.
  • Allowed Values: A URL-type absolute path.
  • Default Value: OXYGEN_DIR \frameworks
  • Purpose: Changes the folder where the application considers that the main frameworks are installed. It has the same effect as changing the custom frameworks directory value in the Location preferences page.
  • Allowed Values: The path can be specified with any of the following:
    • A URL or file path that is relative to the application's installation folder (for example: -Dcom.oxygenxml.editor.plugins.dir=my-plugins).
    • A system variable that specifies the file path (for example: -Dcom.oxygenxml.editor.plugins.dir=${system(CONFIG)}/plugins).
    • An environmental variable that specifies the file path (for example: -Dcom.oxygenxml.editor.plugins.dir=${env(CONFIG)}/plugins).
  • Default Value: N/A
  • Purpose: Specifies the directory where the application finds plugins to load.
  • Allowed Values: true or false
  • Default Value: false
  • Purpose: If set to true, multiple instances of the application are allowed to be started.
  • Allowed Values: A file system absolute path pointing to a folder.
  • Default Value: N/A
  • Purpose: Points to a folder where RenderX XEP is installed.
  • Allowed Values: A list of JAR-type resources separated by a classpath separator.
  • Default Value: N/A
  • Purpose: An additional list of libraries to be used in the application's internal class loader in addition to the libraries specified in the lib folder.
com.oxygenxml.user.home (Windows only)
  • Allowed Values: A file system absolute path pointing to a folder.
  • Default Value: USERPROFILE folder
  • Purpose: Overwrites the user home directory that was implicitly detected for the application.
  • Allowed Values: true or false
  • Default Value: true
  • Purpose: All Java extensions in a framework configuration are instantiated in a separate class loader. When true, the JAR libraries used in a certain document type will have priority to resolve classes before delegating to the parent class loader. When false, the parent class loader will take precedence.
  • Allowed Values: The number of bytes used for validation threads.
  • Default Value: 5*1024*1024
  • Purpose: Some parts of the application (validation, content completion) that use the Relax NG parser sometimes require a larger Thread stack size to parse complex schemas. The default value should be more than enough.
  • Allowed Values: true or false
  • Default Value: true
  • Purpose: By default, the Relax NG validation was configured to skip validation for XHTML attributes that start with "data-", which should be skipped from validation according to the XHTML 5 specification.
  • Allowed Values: User-defined URL
  • Default Value: N/A
  • Purpose: The URL where a problem reported through the Report Problem dialog box is sent. The report is sent in XML format using the report parameter with the POST HTTP method.
  • Allowed Values: Integers
  • Default Value: 4
  • Purpose: The number of parallel threads that will be used to compute referenced topic titles. Increasing this value reduces the amount of time it takes to compute topic titles in the DITA Maps Manager view.
  • Allowed Values: true or false
  • Default Value: true
  • Purpose: Used to instruct the application to use the plugin class loader when there is code that loads content (usually Xerces code) using the thread's class loader. For instance, if you have a plugin that specifies a certain Xerces version and you want to load that version instead of the one from Oxygen's lib directory.
  • Allowed Values: true or false
  • Default Value: false
  • Purpose: When set to true, the files are saved using a Java classic file output stream, which destroys the NTFS alternate data streams set on the file. However, this might prevent data loss in the rare occasions when Oxygen JSON Editor saves empty file content over shared network drives.
  • Allowed Values: true or false
  • Default Value: false
  • Purpose: By default, when using the Format and Indent Files action from the Project view, only one thread will be used for the formatter. If the system property is enabled, up to four parallel threads are used by the operation, speeding up the processing when formatting very large or a large amount of documents.