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Simple Text Editor

Oxygen JSON Editor provides a simple text editor that supports various document types and includes various editing features.

Types of Files That are Supported in the Simple Text Editor

The types of files that can be created and edited in the simple text editor include:
  • Java
  • C++
  • C
  • Dockerfile
  • PHP
  • Perl
  • Properties
  • SQL
  • PowerShell
  • Batch
  • Python
  • Text

Features Available in the Simple Text Editor

When editing files in the simple text editor, the features that are available include the following:
  • Project Support - The unique features that are designed to help you work with projects are available for all types of files.
  • Shortcut Actions - Many of the shortcut actions that are available in Text mode are also available in the simple text editor.
  • Drag and Drop - The normal drag and drop support is available in the simple text editor.
  • Syntax Highlighting - Non-XML files also support syntax highlighting with dedicated coloring schemes. To customize them, open the Preferences dialog box (Options > Preferences) and go to Editor > Syntax Highlight. Select and expand the appropriate section in the top pane for the type of file you are editing and you can see the effects of your changes in the Preview pane.
  • Find/Replace - You can use the Find/Replace action to find or replace all the occurrences of a word or string of characters in any type of file that you are editing.
  • File Comparison Tool - The Compare Files tool can also be used to compare non-XML files.