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Automatic Validation

By default, Oxygen JSON Editor is configured to automatically mark validation errors in the JSON document as you are editing. The Enable automatic validation option in the Document Checking preferences page controls whether or not all validation errors and warnings will automatically be highlighted in the editor pane.

The automatic validation starts parsing the document and marking the errors after a configurable delay from the last typed key. Errors are highlighted with underline markers in the main editor pane and small rectangles on the right side ruler. Hovering over a validation error presents a tooltip message with more details about the error.

If the error message is too long to be displayed completely in the error line at the bottom of the editing area, double-clicking the error icon at the left of the error line, or on the error line itself, displays an information dialog box with the full error message. You can use the arrow buttons in this dialog box to navigate through the errors issued by the automatic validation feature.