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JSON-LD Document Type (Framework)

Oxygen JSON Editor includes a specialized framework for working with JSON-LD files. JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data) consists of multi-dimensional arrays and is considered an easy-to-use lightweight Linked Data format.

Editing JSON-LD Documents

You can edit JSON-LD files in the specialized JSON text mode editor and you have access to its various features and actions.

Default Document Template

There are some default JSON-LD templates available when creating new documents from templates and they can be found in: Framework Templates > JSON-LD. Some other useful examples can be found at public JSON-LD GitHub project.

Content Completion

Oxygen JSON Editor includes an intelligent Content Completion Assistant that offers proposals for inserting JSON structures that are valid at the current editing location. For more details, see Content Completion Assistant in JSON.


Oxygen JSON Editor includes built-in validation for JSON-LD documents to help you keep them well-formed. The documents are validated automatically as you type against the schema specified in the framework and problems are highlighted within the document. For more details, see Validating JSON Documents.