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Oxygen JSON Editor VPAT Accessibility Conformance Report

A Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) is a document that explains how information and communication technology (ICT) products such as software, hardware, electronic content, and support documentation meet (conform to) the Revised 508 Standards for IT accessibility. VPAT documents help Federal agency contracting officials and government buyers to assess ICT for accessibility when doing market research and evaluating proposals.

This document provides information about how Oxygen JSON Editor addresses the accessibility requirements defined in the international standards.

International Edition

VPAT® Version 2.3 – April 2019
Name of Product/Version
Oxygen JSON Editor 26.1
Product Description
Oxygen JSON Editor is a cross-platform application designed to accommodate all of your XML editing, authoring, developing, and publishing needs.
March 2023
Contact Information
Oxygen JSON Editor has been designed and enhanced to adhere to the U.S. Government Section 508 accessibility standards and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). For details, see Accessibility.
Evaluation Methods Used:

The following applications were used for testing Oxygen JSON Editor:

  • NVDA assistive technology
  • JAWS assistive technology

Applicable Standards/Guidelines

This report covers the degree of conformance for the following accessibility standards/guidelines:


The terms used in the Conformance Level information are defined as follows:

  • Supports: The functionality of the product has at least one method that meets the criterion without known defects or meets with equivalent facilitation.
  • Partially Supports: Some functionality of the product does not meet the criterion.
  • Does Not Support: The majority of product functionality does not meet the criterion.
  • Not Applicable: The criterion is not relevant to the product.
  • Not Evaluated: The product has not been evaluated against the criterion. This can be used only in WCAG 2.0 Level AAA.

WCAG 2.x Report

Tables 1 and 2 also document conformance with:

Revised Section 508: Chapter 5 – 501.1 Scope, 504.2 Content Creation or Editing, and Chapter 6 – 602.3 Electronic Support Documentation.

Note: When reporting on conformance with the WCAG 2.x Success Criteria, they are scoped for full pages, complete processes, and accessibility-supported ways of using technology as documented in theWCAG 2.0 Conformance Requirements.

Table 1: Success Criteria, Level A

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations

1.1.1 Non-text Content (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Supports Text alternatives are provided for non-text content.

1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded) (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Not Applicable The product does not play audio and video content to end users.

1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded) (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Not Applicable The product does not provide pre-recorded media that requires captions.

1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded) (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Not Applicable The product does not provide pre-recorded media that requires alternate descriptions.

1.3.1 Info and Relationships (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Partially Supports
Information, structure, and relationships conveyed through presentation can be programmatically determined or are available in text, with exceptions that include:
  • Grid editing mode.
  • Schema Design editing mode.
  • The editing of profiling attributes using the Edit profiling attributes and Insert/Edit Topic Reference dialog boxes.
  • The editing of a DITA map in the Author editing mode.

1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

The product presents content in a meaningful sequence.

Authors should use Unicode right-to-left mark (RLM) or left-to-right mark (LRM) to mix text direction inline.

1.3.3 Sensory Characteristics (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Supports The product provides textual identification for understanding and operating content.

1.4.1 Use of Color (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Supports Color is not used as the only visual means of conveying information, indicating an action, prompting a response, or distinguishing a visual element.

1.4.2 Audio Control (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Not Applicable There is no sound that plays automatically by default.

2.1.1 Keyboard (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Partially Supports Most of the content is operable through a keyboard interface, with exceptions that include:
  • Some toolbars in the application not being accessible via a keyboard.
  • Combo boxes and buttons located inside the table from the dialog box used to create or edit a validation scenario.

2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Partially Supports

The product does not usually have user interface elements that trap the keyboard focus. Exceptions include some trees located in side views and dialog boxes.

2.1.4 Character Key Shortcuts (Level A 2.1 only)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Applicable The product does not include character key shortcuts.

2.2.1 Timing Adjustable (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Not Applicable The product does not include time limits.

2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Supports Side views update their content automatically as a result of the user interaction with the open documents. They can be hidden or this functionality can be inhibited. The product does not include other elements that automatically move, blink, or scroll.

2.3.1 Three Flashes or Below Threshold (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Supports The product does not have content that flashes more than three times in any one second.

2.4.1 Bypass Blocks (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software) – Does not apply to non-web software
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs) – Does not apply to non-web docs
Not Applicable The application does not contain blocks of repeated content.

2.4.2 Page Titled (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Supports Each side view and dialog box in the application has a title.

2.4.3 Focus Order (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Supports Focusable components receive focus in an order that preserves meaning and operability.

2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context) (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

The purpose of each link can be determined from the link text alone or from the link text together with its programmatically-determined link context.

2.5.1 Pointer Gestures (Level A 2.1 only)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Applicable The product does not have functionality that requires multi-point or path-based gestures.

2.5.2 Pointer Cancellation (Level A 2.1 only)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Partially Supports Almost all pointer operations in the product are activated on Up events. Exceptions may include selection changes in the dialog box for new files and in the side views.

2.5.3 Label in Name (Level A 2.1 only)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Supports The names of the user interface components contain the text that is presented visually.

2.5.4 Motion Actuation (Level A 2.1 only)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Applicable The product does not contain functionality that can be operated by device or user motion.

3.1.1 Language of Page (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Does Not Support The product does not report the default language for each open document.

3.2.1 On Focus (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Supports No changes of context occur when any component receives focus.

3.2.2 On Input (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Supports Changing the setting of any user interface component does not automatically cause a change of context.

3.3.1 Error Identification (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Supports Product shows error messages when user input is invalid.

3.3.2 Labels or Instructions (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Partially Supports Most input areas in the product provide labels and instructions. Exceptions include the content completion windows in the Text, Grid, Author, and schema Design modes.

4.1.1 Parsing (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Supports All labels presenting HTML content in the product have valid HTML content.

4.1.2 Name, Role, Value (Level A)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Partially Supports Almost all visual components in the product have identifiable names and roles with exceptions that include:
  • Grid editing mode.
  • Schema Design editing mode.

Table 2: Success Criteria, Level AA

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations

1.2.4 Captions (Live) (Level AA)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Not Applicable The product does not contain live audio content.

1.2.5 Audio Description (Prerecorded) (Level AA)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Not Applicable The product does not provide prerecorded video content that requires audio description.

1.3.4 Orientation (Level AA 2.1 only)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Supports Content does not restrict its view and operation to a single display orientation.

1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose (Level AA 2.1 only)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Applicable The content does not contain input fields that collect information about the user.

1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) (Level AA)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Partially Supports The product has sufficient contrast between the foreground and background colors, with few exceptions, including:
  • Change tracking content in the document for some of the author colors.
  • Change tracking content in some review panel items, when the item is selected.
  • Placeholders shown in empty elements.
  • Comments marked as done.

1.4.4 Resize text (Level AA)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Partially Supports

In most situations, text in the main editing area, side views, and dialog boxes can be resized to reasonable dimensions by increasing the font without loss of content or functionality and without using assistive technology.

Sizes of certain text components cannot be increased.

1.4.5 Images of Text (Level AA)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Supports The few buttons with icons containing text characters also provide text alternatives.

1.4.10 Reflow (Level AA 2.1 only)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Partially Supports

The majority of the user interface controls can be presented without loss of information or functionality, and without requiring scrolling in two dimensions. In the editor area, the text will re-flow depending on the editor mode (Text/Grid/Author/Design) and both horizontal and vertical scrolls may be needed.

1.4.11 Non-text Contrast (Level AA 2.1 only)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply


User interface components and states have sufficient contrast against adjacent colors.

1.4.12 Text Spacing (Level AA 2.1 only)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Supports There is no loss of content or functionality occurs by setting line height (line spacing), spacing following paragraphs, letter spacing, and word spacing.

1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus (Level AA 2.1 only)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Partially Supports

The tooltips for most user interface simple components (buttons) are not hoverable and persistent.

2.4.5 Multiple Ways (Level AA)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software) – Does not apply to non-web software
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs) – Does not apply to non-web docs

There are multiple ways to navigate between the open documents.

2.4.6 Headings and Labels (Level AA)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Headings and labels describe the topic or purpose.

2.4.7 Focus Visible (Level AA)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Partially Supports
The product has a visible indication of focus for almost all user interface controls (buttons, text fields, combo boxes, etc.) Exceptions include:
  • Combo boxes located in the DITA Maps Manager and SharePoint Browser view.
  • Filtering buttons located in the Templates tab from the New/Edit scenario and the DITA Reusable Components view.
  • Tab buttons located in the Insert/Edit Topic Reference dialog box.

3.1.2 Language of Parts (Level AA)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Does Not Support

The language of parts is not specified.

3.2.3 Consistent Navigation (Level AA)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software) – Does not apply to non-web software
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs) – Does not apply to non-web docs
Supports The product has a consistent navigation mechanism.

3.2.4 Consistent Identification (Level AA)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software) – Does not apply to non-web software
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs) – Does not apply to non-web docs

The product components are identified consistently.

3.3.3 Error Suggestion (Level AA)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Supports The product provides suggestions for the input error if there are any available.

3.3.4 Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data) (Level AA)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Not Applicable The product does not process legal commitments or financial transactions or modify user-controllable data.

4.1.3 Status Messages(Level AA 2.1 only)

Also applies to:

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Applicable The product does not contain status messages as defined by this criterion.

Table 3: Success Criteria, Level AAA

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations

1.2.6 Sign Language (Prerecorded) (Level AAA)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

1.2.7 Extended Audio Description (Prerecorded) (Level AAA)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

1.2.8 Media Alternative (Prerecorded) (Level AAA)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

1.2.9 Audio-only (Live) (Level AAA)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

1.3.6 Identify Purpose (Level AAA 2.1 only)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

1.4.6 Contrast Enhanced (Level AAA)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

1.4.7 Low or No Background Audio (Level AAA)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

1.4.8 Visual Presentation (Level AAA)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

1.4.9 Images of Text (No Exception) Control (Level AAA)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception) (Level AAA)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

2.2.3 No Timing (Level AAA)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

2.2.4 Interruptions (Level AAA)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

2.2.5 Re-authenticating (Level AAA)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

2.2.6 Timeouts (Level AAA 2.1 only)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

2.3.2 Three Flashes (Level AAA)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

2.3.3 Animation from Interactions (Level AAA 2.1 only)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

2.4.8 Location (Level AAA)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only) (Level AAA)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

2.4.10 Section Headings (Level AAA)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

2.5.5 Target Size (Level AAA 2.1 only)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

2.5.6 Concurrent Input Mechanisms (Level AAA 2.1 only)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

3.1.3 Unusual Words (Level AAA)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

3.1.4 Abbreviations (Level AAA)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

3.1.5 Reading Level (Level AAA)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

3.1.6 Pronunciation (Level AAA)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

3.2.5 Change on Request (Level AAA)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

3.3.5 Help (Level AAA)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

3.3.6 Error Prevention (All) (Level AAA)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Not Evaluated

Revised Section 508 Report


Chapter 3: Functional Performance Criteria (FPC)

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations

302.1 Without Vision

Partially Supports

Much of the product is operable without vision. As noted in 1.3.1 Info and Relationships, some structural and hierarchical information is not communicated to screen readers. Also, as noted in 2.1.1 Keyboard, some components are not accessible via keyboard.

302.2 With Limited Vision Supports

The product is operable with limited vision.

302.3 Without Perception of Color

Supports Color is not used as the only visual means of conveying information, indicating an action, prompting a response, or distinguishing a visual element.

302.4 Without Hearing

Supports The product does not require hearing for use.

302.5 With Limited Hearing

Supports The product does not require hearing for use.

302.6 Without Speech

Supports The product does not require speech for use.

302.7 With Limited Manipulation

Partially Supports Most content of the product is operable for users with limited manipulation who rely on keyboard access. As noted in 2.1.1 Keyboard, some components are not accessible via keyboard.

302.8 With Limited Reach and Strength

Supports The product is functional with limited reach and limited strength. It supports operating system tools such as StickyKeys and FilterKeys.

302.9 With Limited Language, Cognitive, and Learning Abilities

Partially Supports The product is operable by users with limited language, cognitive, and learning abilities. To accommodate users with limited cognition, the UI provides icons, text, or a combination of both, for controls. It provides the ability to change the interface language to 6 languages.

Chapter 4: Hardware

Notes: Not Applicable - Oxygen JSON Editor is not a hardware product.

Chapter 5: Software

501 General

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations

501.1 Scope – Incorporation of WCAG 2.0 AA

See WCAG 2.x section

See information in WCAG section

502 Interoperability with Assistive Technology

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations

502.2.1 User Control of Accessibility Features

Not Applicable

The product is not platform software.

502.2.2 No Disruption of Accessibility Features

Supports The product does not disrupt platform features that are defined in the platform documentation as accessibility features.

502.3 Accessibility Services

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations

502.3.1 Object Information

Partially Supports

Most of the object information can be programmatically determined. As noted in 1.3.1 Info and Relationships, the content from the Grid and schema Design editing modes is not exposed programmatically.

502.3.2 Modification of Object Information

Partially Supports States and properties that can be set by the user can be set programmatically. As noted in 1.3.1 Info and Relationships, there are few exceptions.

502.3.3 Row, Column, and Headers

Partially Supports The insert table feature in the editing area of the product does not communicate information about the headers. Row and column information is presented in a way that can be used by assistive technology.

502.3.4 Values

Partially Supports The current values of an object can be programmatically determined. As noted in 1.3.1 Info and Relationships, there are few exceptions. The content from the Grid and schema Design editing modes is not exposed programmatically.

502.3.5 Modification of Values

Partially Supports

Values that can be set by the user are capable of being set programmatically. As noted in 1.3.1 Info and Relationships, there are few exceptions. The content from the Grid and schema Design editing modes cannot be set programmatically.

502.3.6 Label Relationships

Partially Supports

Information, structure, and relationships conveyed through presentation can be programmatically determined or are available in text. As noted in 1.3.1 Info and Relationships, there are few exceptions.

502.3.7 Hierarchical Relationships

Partially Supports

The hierarchical relationships are, in general, accessible programmatically, but as noted in 1.3.1 Info and Relationships, there are few exceptions.

502.3.8 Text

Partially Supports The content of text objects, text attributes, and the boundary of text rendered to the screen is programmatically determinable. As noted in 1.3.1 Info and Relationships, there are few exceptions, including the text from the Grid and schema Design modes.

502.3.9 Modification of Text

Partially Supports Text can be set programmatically, including through assistive technology. Text in the editor can be modified using the keyboard. As noted in 1.3.1 Info and Relationships, the text content from the Grid and schema Design editing modes cannot be accessed programmatically.

502.3.10 List of Actions

Supports Actions that can be executed on an object can be determined programmatically from the context menu or content completion menu.

502.3.11 Actions on Objects

Supports Actions on objects can performed by users, including those using assistive technologies.

502.3.12 Focus Cursor

Partially Supports The focus location, selection state, and text insertion point information can be determined programmatically. As noted in 1.3.1 Info and Relationships, the content from the Grid and schema Design editing modes is not exposed programmatically.

502.3.13 Modification of Focus Cursor

Partially Supports The focus location, selection state and text insertion can be controlled programmatically or through the keyboard. As noted in 1.3.1 Info and Relationships, the content from the Grid and schema Design editing modes cannot be accessed programmatically.

502.3.14 Event Notification


The changes in states and other properties are communicated through notifications that are communicated to assistive technology.

502.4 Platform Accessibility Features

Not Applicable This product is not platform software.

503 Applications

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations

503.2 User Preferences

Partially Supports The product permits some of the user preferences from platform settings. Exceptions include
  • Cursor thickness is not modified in Text, Author, and Grid editing modes.
  • Some elements may not use the platform font size.
The product provides custom preferences for changing the color, font type, and font size.

503.3 Alternative User Interfaces

Not Applicable The application does not provide an alternative user interface that functions as assistive technology.

503.4 User Controls for Captions and Audio Description

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations

503.4.1 Caption Controls

Not Applicable The product does not provide controls for volume adjustment.

503.4.2 Audio Description Controls

Not Applicable The product does not provide controls for program selection.

504 Authoring Tools

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations

504.2 Content Creation or Editing (if not authoring tool, enter “not applicable”)

See the WCAG 2.x section

See information in WCAG section

504.2.1 Preservation of Information Provided for Accessibility in Format Conversion

Partially Supports For the main XML vocabulary supported in the application (DITA), the accessibility information is preserved in the generated main formats (WebHelp, PDF).

504.2.2 PDF Export

Supports The product is capable of publishing PDF files that conform to PDF/UA-1.

504.3 Prompts

Partially Supports For DITA documents, there is an optional Schematron that performs accessibility checks on the content and prompts the authors whenever it detects errors.

504.4 Templates

Does Not Support The product does provide several templates. However, these templates offer only minimal structure and do not mark content in ways that promote following the WCAG success criteria. The existing templates can be customized.

Chapter 6: Support Documentation and Services

601.1 Scope

602 Support Documentation

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations

602.2 Accessibility and Compatibility Features

Partially Supports The documentation of the product lists and explains the accessibility and compatibility features of the product.

602.3 Electronic Support Documentation

Partially Supports

The self-service documentation is generated with Oxygen XML WebHelp. You can find its VPAT statement here.

602.4 Alternate Formats for Non-Electronic Support Documentation

Not Applicable Documentation is not provided in non-electronic formats.

603 Support Services

Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations

603.2 Information on Accessibility and Compatibility Features

Supports The support services cover the accessibility features.

603.3 Accommodation of Communication Needs

Supports Support is provided over a variety of channels including email and phone.

Legal Disclaimer

This report describes Oxygen JSON Editor ability to support the stated VPAT Standards/Guidelines, subject to Syncro Soft's interpretation of the same. This accessibility report is provided for informational purposes only, and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. SYNCRO SOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. For more information regarding the accessibility status, please contact us at sales@oxygenxml.com.

© 2020 Syncro Soft SRL. All rights reserved.