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Working with Archive Files

Oxygen JSON Editor includes support for working with various types of archives, including the following:
  • EPUB - An e-book file format that can be used on many types of devices, such as smart phones, tablets, e-readers, or computers.
  • OOXML - An XML-based file format for representing spreadsheets, charts, presentations, and word processing documents.
  • ODF - An free and open-source XML-based file format for electronic office documents, such as spreadsheets, charts, presentations, and word processing documents.
When these types of files are opened in the Archive Browser view, their internal components are expanded:
  • Document content (XHTML and image files).
  • Packaging files.
  • Container files.
Figure 1. EPUB File Displayed in the Archive Browser View

When an archive is expanded in the Archive Browser view, you can add or delete files that compose the archive structure. All changes made to the structure of an archive are saved immediately. You can open files from within the archive to edit them in the main editing pane and save changes back to the archive. You can also use the Open in System Application action to open the archive in the default system application that is associated with that type of file.

EPUB-Specific Validation

When working with EPUB archives, the Archive Browser includes a Validate action on the toolbar that checks the EPUB archive to make sure the structure and content are valid. Oxygen JSON Editor uses the open-source EpubCheck validator to perform the validation. This validator detects many types of errors, including OCF container structure, OPF and OPS mark-up, as well as internal reference consistency.


For more information about working with an EPUB archive in Oxygen JSON Editor, watch our video demonstration: