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Browser Runs Out of Memory when Editing Large Files


My browser runs out of memory when working with large documents in Oxygen XML Web Author.


When Oxygen XML Web Author renders documents, it causes the browser to consume more memory than the original document size.


To work with large documents, an administrator can configure some of the elements to be fold-able. In this case, Oxygen XML Web Author automatically folds the elements in large documents to improve loading times. After the document is loaded, elements are progressively unfolded.

To do this, you need to create a custom CSS file that specifies the folding:
    -oxy-not-foldable-child: title;
The -oxy-foldable property does not work with elements that have: display: inline.
To further improve performance, you can set some elements to be folded by default. This means the elements need to be manually unfolded by the user:
    -oxy-folded: true;

To test it, configure a custom framework that associates the CSS file to large XML documents.