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Creating and Configuring Custom Frameworks

Oxygen XML Author includes built-in, configured frameworks for DocBook, DITA, TEI, XHTML, and JATS, but you can also create your own customization to handle other types of documents. A common use-case is wanting to customize the interface to accommodate the needs of your authoring team.

Fully configuring a framework usually involves customizing CSS stylesheets, XML schemas, GUI components (menu actions, toolbars, inline components, content completion proposals, and more), configuring other more general settings, then bundling the framework to share with your team. The CSS and GUI components are used to customize the interface, while other general settings can be configured to accommodate custom document templates, XML catalogs, transformation scenarios, and more.

Advanced users who are familiar with API development can also create custom Author mode operations for a particular framework.

This section includes information about numerous possibilities for creating and customizing a framework, and how to share your customization with others.

A sample framework customization package is available that you can dabble with and use to help you get started. It can be downloaded from: https://www.oxygenxml.com/maven/com/oxygenxml/samples/oxygen-sample-framework/ The package includes a sample CSS file, XSL file, schema files, document templates, an XML catalog file, custom icons, and other resources.