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Entering Local Paths and URLs

The Oxygen XML Author includes a variety of option configuration pages or wizards that contain text boxes where you specify paths to local resources or URLs of items inside remote repositories. The Oxygen XML Author provides support in these text boxes to make it easier to specify these paths and URLs.

Local Item Paths

The text boxes used for specifying local item paths support the following:
  • Absolute Paths - In most cases, the Oxygen XML Author expects absolute paths for local file system items.
  • Relative Paths - The Oxygen XML Author only accepts relative paths in the form ~[/...], where ~ is the user home directory.
  • Path Validation - Oxygen XML Author validates the path as you type and invalid text becomes red.
  • Drag and Drop - You can drag files and folders from the file system or other applications and drop them into the text box.
  • Automatic Use of Clipboard Data - If the text box is empty when its dialog box is opened, any data that is available in the system clipboard is used, provided that it is valid for that text box.

Repository Item URLs

  • Local Repository Paths - You can use local paths (absolute or relative) to access local repositories. When you use the Browse button, the Oxygen XML Author will convert the file path to a file:// form of URL, provided that the location is a real repository.
    • Absolute Paths - In most cases, the Oxygen XML Author expects absolute paths for local file system items.
    • Relative Paths - The Oxygen XML Author only accepts relative paths in the form ~[/...], where ~ is the user home directory.
  • Peg Revisions - For URL text boxes found inside dialog boxes where you are pulling information from the repository, you can use peg revisions at the end of the URLs (for example, URL@rev1234).
    If you try to use a peg revision number in a dialog box where you are sending information to the repository then the peg revision number will become part of the name of the item rather than searching for the specified revision. For example, in the URL http://host/path/inside/repo/item@100, the item name is considered to be item@100.
    You can even use peg revisions with local repository paths. For example, C:\path\to\local\repo@100 will be converted to file:///C:/path/to/local/repo@100 and the Repository browser will display the content of the local repository as it is at revision 100.
  • URL Validation - Oxygen XML Author validates the URLs as you type and invalid text becomes red. Even paths to local repositories are not accepted unless using the Browse button to convert them to valid URLs.
  • Drag and Drop - You can drag URLs from other applications or text editors and drop them into the URL text box. You can also drag folders that point to local repositories, from the local file system or from other applications, and they are automatically converted to valid file:// type URLs.
  • Automatic Use of Clipboard Data - If the URL text box is empty when its dialog box is opened, any data that is available in the system clipboard is used, provided that it is valid for that text box. Even valid local paths will be automatically converted to file:// type URLs.
The text boxes that are in the form of a combo box also allow you to select previously used URLs, or URLs defined in the Repositories view.