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JavaScript Editing Actions

Oxygen XML Author allows you to create and edit JavaScript files and assists you with useful features such as syntax highlight, content completion, and outline view. To enhance your editing experience, you can select entire blocks (parts of text delimited by brackets) by double-clicking somewhere inside the brackets.

Figure 1. JavaScript Editor Text Mode
The contextual menu of the JavaScript editor offers the following actions:
Allows you to cut fragments of text from the editing area.
Allows you to copy fragments of text from the editing area.
Allows you to paste fragments of text in the editing area.
Toggle Comment
Allows you to comment a line or a fragment of the JavaScript document you are editing. This option inserts a single comment for the entire fragment you want to comment.
Toggle Line Comment
Allows you to comment a line or a fragment of the JavaScript document you are editing. This option inserts a comment for each line of the fragment you want to comment.
Go to Matching Bracket
Use this option to find the closing, or opening bracket, matching the bracket at the cursor position. When you select this option, Oxygen XML Author moves the cursor to the matching bracket, highlights its row, and decorates the initial bracket with a rectangle.
A rectangle decorates the opening or closing bracket that matches the current one, at all times.

Allows you to select one of the following actions:

To Lower Case
Converts the selection content to lower case characters.
To Upper Case
Converts the selection content to upper case characters.
Capitalize Lines
Converts to upper case the first character of every selected line.
Join and Normalize Lines
Joins all the rows you select to one row and normalizes the content.
Insert new line after
Inserts a new line after the line at the cursor position.
Modify all matches
Use this option to modify (in-place) all the occurrences of the selected content. When you use this option, a thin rectangle replaces the highlights and allows you to start editing. If matches with different letter cases are found, a dialog box is displayed that allows you select whether you want to modify only matches with the same letter case or all matches.
Allows you to select one of the following actions:
  • Open File at Cursor - select this action to open the source of the file located at the cursor position
  • Open File at Cursor in System Application - select this action to open the source of the file located at the cursor position with the application that the system associates with the file
Select this option to open the Compare Files tool to compare the file you are editing with a file you choose in the dialog box.

When you invoke the contextual menu from the folding triangles in the stripe on the left side of the editor, the following actions are available:

Collapse Other Folds
Folds all the elements except the current element.
Collapse Child Folds
Folds the elements indented with one level inside the current element.
Expand Child Folds
Unfolds all child elements of the currently selected element.
Expand All
Unfolds all elements in the current document.