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Content Completion Preferences

Oxygen XML Author Eclipse plugin provides a Content Completion Assistant that provides a list of available options at any point in a document and can auto-complete structures, elements, and attributes. To configure the Content Completion preferences, open the Preferences dialog box and go to Editor > Content Completion. These options control how the Content Completion Assistant works.

The following options are available:
Auto close the last opened tag
When selected, Oxygen XML Author Eclipse plugin automatically closes the last open tag when you type </.
Automatically rename/delete/comment matching tags
If you rename, delete, or comment out a start tag, Oxygen XML Author Eclipse plugin automatically renames, deletes, or comments out the matching end tag.
If you select Toggle comment for multiple starting tags and the matching end tags are on the same line as other start tags, the end tags are not commented.
Enable content completion
Toggles the content completion feature on or off.
Consider subsequent sibling elements
When this option is selected (default), the subsequent sibling elements of the current element are taken into account when using the Content Completion Assistant. For example, in DITA, if you invoke the content completion before an already inserted required element (e.g. a <title> element), the content completion mechanism will not offer a proposal to insert a title (since it was already inserted).
Close the inserted element
When you choose an entry from the Content Completion Assistant list of proposals, Oxygen XML Author Eclipse plugin inserts both start and end tags. The following additional options are available with regard to closing the element:
  • If it has no matching tag - The end tag of the inserted element is automatically added only if it is not already present in the document.
  • Add element content - Oxygen XML Author Eclipse plugin inserts the required elements specified in the DTD, XML Schema, or RELAX NG schema that is associated with the edited XML document.
    • Add optional content - If selected, Oxygen XML Author Eclipse plugin inserts the optional elements specified in the DTD, XML Schema, or RELAX NG schema.
    • Add first Choice particle - If selected, Oxygen XML Author Eclipse plugin inserts the first choice particle specified in the DTD, XML Schema, or RELAX NG schema.
Case sensitive search
When selected, the search in the Content Completion Assistant is case-sensitive when you type a character ('a' and 'A' are different characters).
This option is ignored when the current language itself is not case-sensitive. For example, the case is ignored in the CSS language.
Position cursor between tags
When selected, Oxygen XML Author Eclipse plugin automatically moves the cursor between the start and end tag after inserting the element. This only applies to:
Show all entities
Oxygen XML Author Eclipse plugin displays a list with all the internal and external entities declared in the current document when you type the start character of an entity reference (for example, &).
Insert the required attributes
If selected, Oxygen XML Author Eclipse plugin automatically inserts the required attributes taken from the DTD or XML Schema for an element inserted with the Content Completion Assistant. For ID attributes that are required, a unique value is automatically generated for each new ID.
Insert the fixed attributes
If selected, Oxygen XML Author Eclipse plugin automatically inserts any FIXED attributes from the DTD or XML Schema for an element inserted with the Content Completion Assistant.
Show recently used items

When selected, Oxygen XML Author Eclipse plugin remembers the last inserted items from the Content Completion Assistant window. The number of items to be remembered is limited by the Maximum number of recent items shown list box. These most frequently used items are displayed on the top of the content completion window and their icons are decorated with a small red square..

Maximum number of recent items shown
Specifies the limit for the number of recently used items presented at the top of the Content Completion Assistant window.
Learn attributes values
When selected, Oxygen XML Author Eclipse plugin learns the attribute values used in a document.
Learn on open document
Oxygen XML Author Eclipse plugin automatically learns the document structure when the document is opened.
Learn words (Dynamic Abbreviations, available on Ctrl+Space
When selected, Oxygen XML Author Eclipse plugin learns the typed words and makes them available in a content completion fashion by pressing Ctrl + Space on your keyboard;
For the words to be learned, they need to be separated by space characters.
Activation delay of the proposals window (ms)
Delay in milliseconds from the last key press until the Content Completion Assistant is displayed.