Edit online


You may create generic comments or mark a particular document fragment as being inserted, deleted, or highlighted. The rendering in each of these cases will be different.

Figure 1. Chemistry Annotations in Acrobat Reader

In the above image, commented sections are shown in yellow and deleted content is in red.

To create annotations in your PDF output, create a specific structure in your document. The child topics in this section contain information about how this structure could look like for XML documents and HTML documents.

If you want to use CSS rules to style the change elements as plain elements in the content, you can disable the annotation processing using the command-line parameter: -annotations-for-change-tracking-and-comments.

Edit online

Comments and Tracked Changes - HTML Fragment

This section contains information about how each type of tracked change is structured in an HTML file.


For an insertion type of tracked change, the structure that defines the insertion details is inside a range (oxy-range-start to oxy-range-end), the inserted text is highlighted by a <span> element with the class oxy-insert-hl, and the details are stored in a <span> element with the oxy-insert class.

    <span class="oxy-range-start" id="sc_1" hr_id="1"/>

       <span class="oxy-insert" href="#sc_1" hr_id="1">
           <span class="oxy-author">dan</span>
           <span class="oxy-content">insert</span>
           <span class="oxy-date">2018/03/15</span>
           <span class="oxy-hour">09:38:29</span>
           <span class="oxy-tz">+02:00</span>
       <span class="oxy-insert-hl">This is an insert!!</span>

    <span class="oxy-range-end" hr_id="1"/>


Similar to insertions, comments are defined in a range (oxy-range-start to oxy-range-end), the comment details in an element with the class oxy-comment, and the highlighted content is wrapped in the oxy-comment-hl element.

    <span class="oxy-range-start" id="sc_1" hr_id="1"/>
        <span class="oxy-comment" href="#sc_1" hr_id="1">
              <span class="oxy-author">dan</span>
              <span class="oxy-comment-text">This is a comment.</span>
              <span class="oxy-date">2018/03/15</span>
              <span class="oxy-hour">09:56:59</span>
              <span class="oxy-tz">+02:00</span>
        <span class="oxy-comment-hl">The commented text.</span>
    <span class="oxy-range-end" hr_id="1"/>           
Comments that are marked as done have a flag="done" attribute:
<span class="oxy-comment" href="#sc_6" hr_id="6" flag="done">

Attribute changes

The attribute changes are more complex. The range is empty, and is directly above the affected element (the one that has modified attributes). The element with the class oxy-attributes contains details about multiple attribute changes, each stored in an element with the class oxy-attribute-change.


  <span class="oxy-range-start" id="sc_3" hr_id="3"/>
  <span class="oxy-range-end" hr_id="3"/>

  <span class="oxy-attributes" href="#sc_3" hr_id="3">

     <span class="oxy-attribute-change" type="inserted" name="platform">
          <span class="oxy-author">dan</span>
          <span class="oxy-current-value">windows</span>
          <span class="oxy-date">2018/03/15</span>
          <span class="oxy-hour">10:05:04</span>
          <span class="oxy-tz">+02:00</span>
     <span class="oxy-attribute-change" type="removed" name="audience">


For a deletion, there are some elements that define the start and end of the deletion, and the highlighted text is wrapped in an element with the class oxy-delete-hl.

   <span class="oxy-range-start" id="sc_2" hr_id="2"/>
   <span class="oxy-delete-hl"> This is a deleted text. </span>
   <span class="oxy-range-end" hr_id="2"/>

There is a structure that offers details about the deletion change, using the element with the class oxy-delete. This is linked to the above deletion range by the same ID value:

   <span class="oxy-delete" href="#sc_2" hr_id="2">
       <span class="oxy-author">dan</span>
       <span class="oxy-content"><image href="../img/ex.gif"></span>
       <span class="oxy-date">2018/03/14</span>
       <span class="oxy-hour">11:38:06</span>
       <span class="oxy-tz">+02:00</span>

Colored Highlights

To show some text as highlighted with a background color:
  <span class="oxy-color-hl" color="rgba(140,255,140,50)">Some colored text.</span>