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Fallback Fonts

Whenever a character is not covered by the font specified in the CSS, it can still be rendered by Oxygen PDF Chemistry fallback fonts. To use these fallback fonts, you need to add one of the three generic font families indicated below in your CSS.

Here is the list of fallback fonts that are automatically added for these generic font families:

  • Sans-Serif - Segoe UI, Symbol, Segoe UI Symbol, Microsoft YaHei, Yu Gothic, Malgun Gothic, Latha, Arial Unicode MS
  • Serif - Times, Times New Roman, Symbol, Segoe UI Symbol, SimSun, MingLiU, MS Mincho, Batang, Vijaya, Arial Unicode MS
  • Monospace - Segoe UI, Symbol, Segoe UI Symbol, Microsoft YaHei, Yu Gothic, Malgun Gothic, Latha, Arial Unicode MS

If you are using a Linux machine, the list of fallback fonts is the following:

  • Sans-Serif - DejaVu Sans, FreeSans, Noto Sans CJK SC, Noto Sans CJK JP, Noto Sans CJK KR
  • Serif - Times, DejaVu Serif, FreeSerif, Noto Serif CJK SC, Noto Serif CJK JP, Noto Serif CJK KR
  • Monospace - DejaVu Sans Mono, FreeMono, Noto Sans CJK SC, Noto Sans CJK JP, Noto Sans CJK KR

If you use the processor on multiple operating systems/machines, make sure you have a consistent list of fonts installed on each of them. For instance, if you are using both a Linux and a Windows machine to run transformations in parallel and the PDF produced on Linux has some missing characters (they are replaced with the # symbol), then you can fix this by inspecting the fonts listed in the Document Properties dialog box in the PDF reader and install them on the Linux machine (make sure you respect the licensing terms for the font).

It is not necessary to have all the fallback fonts installed on the system.