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This section is of special interest if you are creating a CSS stylesheet for a custom XML document. For HTML, Oxygen PDF Chemistry already defines the needed selectors for the <table> element.

This is an example of a very simple table in an XML document:

    <caption>A table.</caption>
        <c rspan="2"> Spans vertically </c>
        <c> Other cell </c>
        <c> Other cell </c>
        <c cspan="2"> Other cell, spanning to the right </c>

Defining Rows and Cells

First, mark the <tbl> element as being a table:

tbl {
    display: table;

Next, the rows and cells:

rw {
    display: table-row;
c {
    display: table-cell;

Defining the Column and Row Span

The processor needs to know how the cells span multiple rows or columns. For this, there are two properties available: table-column-span and table-row-span.

c[cspan] {
    table-column-span: attr(cspan, integer);
c[rspan] {
    table-row-span: attr(rspan, integer);

Defining the Table Caption

You can define table captions by using the display:table-caption. To change the position of the caption relative to the table grid, you need to use the caption-side property:

caption {

Repeating Headers and Footers

Any element marked with either the table-header-group or table-footer-group property is automatically repeated when a table is split over a sequence of pages. It is required that they contain only elements with the display property set to table-row.

            <c> Name</c>
            <c> Value </c>
        <rw> ... </rw>
        <rw> ... </rw>

The CSS:

head {
    display: table-header-group;
rw {
    display: table-row;

Repeating Captions

By default, the captions are not repeated on all pages a table spans. To enable this, you should mark the elements with a table caption display as with the -oxy-caption-repeat-on-next-pages property:

caption {
    -oxy-caption-repeat-on-next-pages: yes;

The allowed values are yes or no and it is inheritable.

If you want to indicate that the page is a continuation, you can associate a static text to the caption that appears only on subsequent pages. For example, you can use an :after element as in the following example:

caption:after(2) {
    content: "(continued)";
    -oxy-show-only-when-caption-repeated-on-next-pages: yes;

This example uses an :after element with the value of 2 to avoid conflicts with normal :after static elements that you may already use in your CSS.

Column Width and Styles

Oxygen PDF Chemistry supports an automatic layout for tables. This means the allocation of column width is done automatically based on the content size. In the following example, the HTML table has an automatic layout (this is also the default):

table {
For large tables with long words that bleed out of the page, you can choose to hyphenate the words from the cells. If the table uses an automatic layout, you should specify a width (such as 100%). Otherwise, the table columns will just be wide enough to accommodate the smaller hyphenated words:
table {
  width: 100%;

To switch to a fixed layout:

table {

If you use the fixed layout and you are not satisfied with equal column widths, for HTML, you should use the @style attribute on the <col> element:

 <table style="width:2in;">
              <col style="width: 40%; background-color:cyan"/>
              <col style="width: 60%"/>

For arbitrary XML, you should use the table-column value in a display property for the element that represents the column. Suppose you have the following XML:

              <column wd="30%"/>
              <column wd="70%"/>

The following CSS links the @wd attribute to the width property and defines a different background for the first column.

tbl { 
colgr { 
    display: table-column-group; 
column { 
    display: table-column; 
    width: attr(wd); 
column:first-of-type {
    background-color: yellow;

Proportional column widths (such as the ones used in the CALS tables from DITA or DocBook) are supported, but only when they are set in a @width attribute on the <column> element (the one with the display property set to table-column):

<column width="3*"/>
<column width="7*"/>

Rotating Tables

There are cases where you have large tables and you need to rotate them to make them fit on your page. For instance, the default page orientation is portrait, but if you have a wide table with lots of columns, it might bleed to the right of the page.

There are two ways of solving this:
  • Associate a wider page (i.e. landscape) to the table that needs more space. The disadvantage is that the table will force a page break before and after it.
    @page landscape-page-for-large-tables {
        size: A4 landscape;
    tbl {
      display: table;
      page: landscape-page-for-large-tables;
  • Rotate the table using the transform CSS property. The table will not create page breaks, but is susceptible to bleeding if its height exceeds the page width.
    tbl {
      display: table;
      width: 200pt;
      transform: rotate(90deg);
    The table needs to have table-layout: fixed and a width.

The page is now landscape and you probably also need to change the headers and footers to match this new orientation. One way of doing this is to move the header content from the @top-left, @top-center, and @top-right rules into page margin boxes from the right, and apply a transform property on them.

In the following example, there is static text in the top (header) for the normal pages that is either placed in the left or right side of the page, depending on the page position:
@page :left {
  @top-left {
     content: string(maptitle) string(parttitle) string(chaptertitle) " | " counter(page);
  @bottom-left {
  @bottom-right {

@page :right{
  @top-right {
     content: string(maptitle) string(parttitle) string(chaptertitle) " | " counter(page);
  @bottom-right {
  @bottom-left {
For the landscape page, you can move content to either the right-bottom or right-top, depending on the page position:
  * Table orientation.
 @page table-landscape:right {

    content: string(chaptertitle) " | " counter(page);
		vertical-align: middle;
		text-align: right;
 @page table-landscape:left {
    content: string(maptitle) string(parttitle) string(chaptertitle) " | " counter(page);
  	vertical-align: middle;
  	text-align: left;

Rotating Cell Content

To rotate table cell content, you can use the transform CSS property. Remember that only the content of the cell is rotated, not the cell itself. The rotation angle is clockwise. In the following example, the cells marked with the class rotate on their side are rotated:
.rotate {
  font-style: bold;
  text-align: left;
  vertical-align: bottom;

  white-space: pre;
  background-color: silver;
The rotated cells are in the header of the table.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
          <th colspan="3">Features</th>
          <th class="rotate">Sport</th>
          <th class="rotate">All Terrain</th>
          <th class="rotate">Family</th>
The result is: