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Document Templates Preferences

Oxygen XML Developer provides a variety of built-in document templates that make it easier to create new documents in various formats. The list of available templates is presented in the New Document wizard when you create a new document (New toolbar button or File > New).

You can also create your own templates and share them with others. You can store your custom document templates in the existing templates folder in the Oxygen XML Developer installation directory or store them in a custom directory. If you store them in a custom directory, you need to use this Document Templates preferences page to add that directory to the list of template directories that Oxygen XML Developer makes available in the New Document wizard.

To add a template directory, follow these steps:
  1. open the Preferences dialog box (Options > Preferences) and go to Document Templates.
  2. Use the New button to select a location of the new document template folder.
  3. You can also use the Edit or Delete buttons to manage folders in the list, and you can alter the order that Oxygen XML Developer looks in these directories by using the Up and Down buttons.
Result: This will add the folder to the list in this preferences page and it will now appear in the New Document wizard in a category based upon the folder path you specified.
For DITA templates, they will also appear in the dialog box for creating new DITA topics, but if you customize the template, you need to set the type property to dita in the corresponding properties file.