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Browsing for Remote Files with SharePoint Online

The Open URL dialog box (used for browsing remote files) includes support for connecting to a SharePoint Online server, with controls similar to the SharePoint Browser view. To open this dialog box, go to File > Open URL (or click the Open URL toolbar button), then choose the Browse for remote file option from the drop-down menu.

Figure 1. Open URL Dialog Box for SharePoint Online
The displayed dialog box is composed of the following:
Server Type
Specifies the type of server (SharePoint Online in this case).
If you select SharePoint On-Premises, the controls are similar to those for WebDav and other servers.
Server URL
Specifies the protocol and the host name or IP of the server.
User drop-down menu
This drop-down includes:
  • Log in with Microsoft account (if logged out) - Opens the Microsoft login page in your default browser and authenticates Oxygen XML Developer.
  • Log out (if logged in) - Logs out of your Microsoft account and the authorization between Oxygen XML Developer and Microsoft is revoked.
  • Help - Opens the online user guide to a topic relevant to the current context.
Use this button to retrieve the data from the server. Once the authentication completes, the files from the server will be available in the dialog box.
File URL

You can use this combo box to directly specify the URL to be opened or saved. This combo box also displays the current selection when the user changes selection by browsing the tree of folders and files on the server.