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Presenting Schematron Validation Issues

The possible issues that might occur during the validation process when validating XML documents against Schematron are presented with colored underlines in the editing pane, colored markers in the right vertical stripe, and details about the issues are presented in the Errors panel at the bottom area of the Oxygen XML Developer window. Each error is flagged with a severity level that can be: warning, error, fatal or info.

To set a severity level, Oxygen XML Developer looks for the following information:
  • The role attribute, which can have one of the following values:
    • warn or warning - Sets the severity level to warning. By default, underlined with a yellow squiggly line in the editing pane and a yellow marker in the right vertical stripe.
    • error - Sets the severity level to error. By default, underlined with a red squiggly line in the editing pane and a red marker in the right vertical stripe.
    • fatal - Sets the severity level to fatal. By default, underlined with a red squiggly line in the editing pane and a red marker in the right vertical stripe.
    • info or information - Sets the severity level to information. By default, underlined with a blue squiggly line in the editing pane and a blue marker in the right vertical stripe.
  • The start of the message, after trimming leading white-spaces. Oxygen XML Developer looks to match the following exact string of characters (case-sensitive):
    • Warning: - Sets the severity level to warning. By default, underlined with a yellow squiggly line in the editing pane and a yellow marker in the right vertical stripe.
    • Error: - Sets the severity level to error. By default, underlined with a red squiggly line in the editing pane and a red marker in the right vertical stripe.
    • Fatal: - Sets the severity level to fatal. By default, underlined with a red squiggly line in the editing pane and a red marker in the right vertical stripe.
    • Info: - Sets the severity level to info. By default, underlined with a blue squiggly line in the editing pane and a blue marker in the right vertical stripe.
  • If none of the previous rules match, Oxygen XML Developer sets the severity level to error. By default, underlined with a red squiggly line in the editing pane and a red marker in the right vertical stripe.
You can configure the color for each type in the Document Checking preferences page.