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Editing a Validation Scenario

To edit an existing validation scenario, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Configure Validation Scenario(s) from the toolbar, or from the XML menu (or the Validate submenu when invoking the contextual menu on a file in the Project Explorer view).
    The Configure Validation Scenario(s) dialog box is displayed. It contains built-in and user-defined scenarios. The built-in scenarios are organized in categories depending on the type of file they apply to and you can identify them by a yellow key icon that marks them as read-only. The user-defined scenarios are organized under a single category. The default scenarios for the particular framework are rendered in bold.
    If a main file is associated with the current file, the validation scenarios defined in the main file, along with any Schematron schema defined in the default scenarios for that particular framework, are used for the validation. These take precedence over other types of validation units defined in the default scenarios for the particular framework. For more information on main files, see Contextual Project Operations Using 'Main Files' Support or Modular Contextual XML Editing Using 'Main Files' Support.

    Figure 1. Configure Validation Scenario Dialog Box
    The top section of the dialog box contains a filter that allows you to search through the scenarios list and the Settings button allows you to configure the following options:
    Show all scenarios
    Select this option to display all the available scenarios, regardless of the document they are associated with.
    Show only the scenarios available for the editor
    Select this option to only display the scenarios that Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin can apply for the current document type.
    Show associated scenarios
    Select this option to only display the scenarios associated with the document you are editing.
    Import scenarios
    This option opens the Import scenarios dialog box that allows you to select the scenarios file that contains the scenarios you want to import. If one of the scenarios you import is identical to an existing scenario, Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin ignores it. If a conflict appears (an imported scenario has the same name as an existing one), you can choose between two options:
    • Keep or replace the existing scenario.
    • Keep both scenarios.
      When you keep both scenarios, Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin adds imported to the name of the imported scenario.
    Export selected scenarios
    Use this option to export selected scenarios individually. Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin creates a scenarios file that contains the exported scenarios. This is useful if you want to share scenarios with others or export them to another computer.
  2. Select the scenario and click the Edit button. If you try to edit one of the read-only built-in scenarios, you will receive a warning message that Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin needs to creates customizable duplicate (you can also use the Duplicate button).
    The Edit scenario dialog box is displayed and it lists all the validation units for the scenario.
    Figure 2. Edit Validation Scenario
    This scenario configuration dialog box allows you to configure the following information and options:
    The name of the validation scenario.
    URL of the file to validate
    The URL of the main module that includes the current module. It is also the entry module of the validation process when the current one is validated. To edit the URL, click its cell and specify the URL of the main module by doing one of the following:
    • Enter the URL in the text field or select it from the drop-down list.
    • Use the Browse drop-down button to browse for a local, remote, or archived file.
    • Use the Insert Editor Variable button to insert an editor variable or a custom editor variable.

      Figure 3. Insert an Editor Variable
    File type
    The type of the document that is validated in the current validation unit. Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin automatically selects the file type depending on the value of the URL of the file to validate field.
    Validation engine
    You can select one of the engines available in Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin for validation of the particular document type:
    • Default engine - The default engine is used to run the validation for the current document type, as specified in the preferences page for that type of document (for example, XSLT preferences page, XQuery preferences page, XML Schema preferences page).
    • DITA Validation engine - Performs DITA-specific checks in the context of the specifications.
    • DITA Map Validation and Completeness Check engine - Performs a validation process that checks the DITA map document and all referenced topics and maps.
    • DITA-OT Project Validation and Completeness Check engine - Performs a validation process that checks each context from the provided DITA-OT project file.
    • Table Layout Validation engine - Looks for table layout problems.
    Automatic validation
    If this option is selected, the validation operation defined by this row is also applied by the automatic validation feature. If the Automatic validation feature is disabled in the Document Checking preferences page, then this option is ignored, as the preference setting has a higher priority.
    This option becomes active when you set the File type to XML Document and allows you to specify the schema used for the validation unit.
    Depending on the selected validation engine, clicking the Settings button either opens the Specify Schema dialog box or the Configure validation engine dialog box.
    • Specify Schema Dialog Box

      This dialog box allows you to specify a custom schema to be used for the validation process.

      Figure 4. Specify Schema Dialog Box

      The Specify Schema dialog box contains the following options:

      Use detected schema
      Uses the schema detected for the particular document.
      Use custom schema
      Allows you to specify the schema using the following options:
      • URL - Allows you to specify or select a URL for the schema. It also keeps a history of the last used schemas. The URL must point to the schema file that can be loaded from the local disk or from a remote server through HTTP(S) or SFTP. You can specify the URL by using the text field, the history drop-down, the Insert Editor Variables button, or the browsing actions in the Browse drop-down list.
      • Schema type - Select a possible schema type from this combo box that is populated based on the extension of the schema file that was entered in the URL field. The possible schema types are: XML Schema, DTD, Relax NG, Relax NG Compact, Schematron, or NVDL.
      • Embedded Schematron rules - If you have selected XML Schema or Relax NG schemas with embedded Schematron rules and you want to use those embedded rules, select this option.
      • Extensions- Opens a dialog box that allows you to specify Java extension JARs to be used during the validation.
      • Public ID - Allows you to specify a public ID if you have selected a DTD.
      • Schematron phase - If you select a Schematron schema, this drop-down list allows you to select a Schematron phase that you want to use for validation. The listed phases are defined in the Schematron document.
    • Configure Validation Engine Dialog Box

      This dialog box allows you to configure options for checking the DITA map document and all referenced topics and maps.
      The options presented in the Configure validation engine dialog box depends on type of validation engine. For example, when configuring the DITA-OT Project Validation and Completeness Check validation engine, the dialog box has slightly fewer options (omitting those that are not applicable).
      Figure 5. Example of the Configure Validation Engine Dialog Box
      The Configure Validation Engine dialog box contains the following options:
      Batch validate referenced DITA resources
      This option specifies the level of validation that applies to referenced DITA files:
      • If the checkbox is left unchecked (default setting), the DITA files will be validated using the rules defined in the DTD or XML Schema declared in the document.
      • If the checkbox is selected, the DITA files will be validated using rules defined in their associated validation scenario.
      Check the existence of non-DITA references resources

      Extends the validation of referenced resources to non-DITA files.

      Include remote resources
      Select this option if you want to check that remote referenced binary resources (such as images, movie clips, ZIP archives) exist at the specified location.
      Use DITAVAL filters
      The content of the map is filtered by applying a profiling condition set before validation. You can choose between the following options:
      • From the current condition set - The map is filtered using the condition set currently applied. Clicking the Details icon opens a topic in the Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin User Guide that explains how to create a profiling condition set.
      • From all available condition sets - For each available condition set, the map content is filtered using that set before validation.
      • From the associated transformation scenario - The filtering condition set is specified explicitly as a DITAVAL file in the current transformation scenario associated with the DITA map.
      • Other DITAVAL files - For each DITAVAL file from this list, the map content is filtered using the DITAVAL file before validation. Use the Add or Remove buttons to configure the list. The Add button opens a dialog box that allows you to select a local or remote path to a DITAVAL file. You can specify the path by using the text field, its history drop-down, the Insert Editor Variables button, or the browsing actions in the Browse drop-down list.
      Report references to resources outside of the DITA map folder
      If selected, it will report any references to DITA resources that are located outside the main DITA map folder.
      Report links to topics not referenced in DITA maps
      Checks that all the topics referenced by other topics are also linked in the DITA map. Also reports related links defined in relationship tables whose target topics are not referenced in the DITA Map.
      Report multiple references to the same topic

      If selected, it will report warnings when a topic is referenced multiple times in the DITA map, unless a unique @copy-to attribute is used on the <topicref> element for any topic that is referenced multiple times.

      For example, it will not report a warning if there is a topic referenced twice, but the second <topicref> has a @copy-to attribute set:
      <topicref href="topic.dita"/>
       <topicref href="topic.dita" copy-to="topic2.dita"/>
      On the other hand, it will report a warning if there is a topic referenced twice and none of the reference-type elements has a @copy-to attribute set or both of them have the @copy-to attribute set to the same value:
      <topicref href="topic.dita" copy-to="topic2.dita"/>
       <topicref href="topic.dita" copy-to="topic2.dita"/>
      Check for duplicate topic IDs within the DITA map context
      Checks for multiple topics with the same ID in the context of the entire map.
      Report duplicate key definitions

      Checks the DITA map for multiple key references with the same key defined for them. This is helpful because if you have two different resources with the same value for the @keys attribute, all references will point to the first one encountered and the other will be ignored.

      Report unreferenced key definitions
      Checks the entire DITA map and reports any key definitions that are not referenced anywhere. Note that if the Use DITAVAL filters option is selected, this check will search for unreferenced key definitions based upon your selected filter.
      Report unreferenced reusable elements
      Checks the entire DITA map and reports any detected reusable elements that are not referenced anywhere. It looks for elements that have an ID specified in the following types of topic references:
      • Any <topicref> that contains a @processing-role attribute set to resource-only.
      • Any other referenced topic that contains elements that are reused elsewhere through a @conref or @conkeyref.
      Report table layout problems
      Looks for table layout problems. The types of errors that may be reported include:
      • If a row has fewer cells than the number of columns detected.
      • For a CALS table, if a cell has a vertical span greater than the available rows count.
      • For a CALS table, if the number of <colspecs> is different than the number of columns detected from the table @cols attribute.
      • For a CALS table, if the number of columns detected from the table @cols attribute is different than the number of columns detected in the table structure.
      • For a CALS table, if the value of the @cols, @rowsep, or @colsep attributes are not numeric.
      • For a CALS table, if the @namest, @nameend, or @colname attributes point to an incorrect column name.
      Identify possible conflicts in profile attribute values
      When the profiling attributes of a topic contain values that are not found in parent topic profiling attributes, the content of the topic is overshadowed when generating profiled output. This option reports these possible conflicts.
      Report attributes and values that conflict with profiling preferences
      Looks for profiling attributes and values that are not defined. It also checks if profiling attributes defined as single-value have multiple values set in the searched topics.
      Additional Schematron checks
      Allows you to select a Schematron file that Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin will use for the validation of DITA resources. You can specify the path by using the text field, its history drop-down, the Insert Editor Variables button, or the browsing actions in the Browse drop-down list.
      Advanced Tip:
      Some APIs are available that retrieve information about DITA keys that are referenced within a topic. The APIs can be called from XSLT Stylesheets (including XML Refactoring operations) or Schematron schemas. For details, see API Documentation: DITAXSLTExtensionFunctionUtil.
    Move Up
    Moves the selected validation unit up one spot in the list.
    Move Down
    Moves the selected validation unit down one spot in the list.
    Adds a new validation unit to the list.
    Removes an existing validation unit from the list.
  3. Configure any of the existing validation units according to the information above, and you can use the buttons at the bottom of the table to add, remove, or move validation units. Note that if you add a Schematron validation unit, you can also select the validation phase.
  4. When you are done configuring the scenario, click OK.
    The modified validation scenario will now be included in the list of scenarios in the Configure Validation Scenario(s) dialog box. If you chose to duplicate an existing one, the modified scenario will be listed with the word copy at the end of its name.