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New Document Wizard

Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin supports a wide range of document types. The New Document wizard presents the default associations between a file extension and the type of editor that opens the file. The New Document wizard creates a skeleton document that may contain a root element, the document prolog, and possibly other child elements depending on options that are specific for each schema type. The wizard also provides access to the New from Templates option that opens a wizard where you can create a document based upon built-in templates or custom templates.

New Document Wizard

To create a new document in Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin, follow these steps:
  1. Click the New button on the toolbar or select File > New > Other > Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin.

    Result: The New Document wizard is displayed with all the supported document types.

  2. Select the type of document that you want to create. Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin includes a series of Eclipse wizards that help you create the new document based upon the type you choose.
    You can use the text filter field at the top of the dialog box to search for a specific template.
  3. Click Next.

    Result: The next wizard page allows you to select a path where you want to store the new file and for some document types it includes some customization options. If you selected XML File or XML Schema (XSD) File for the type of document, you need to select the storage path and click Next again to reach customization options.
    For DITA documents, the dialog box includes some additional options for generating a title, file name, and root ID attribute.
  4. After configuring the options for the particular type of document, click Finish to create the file. If the Open file for editing when done option is selected, the new file will be opened in the appropriate editor.

New XML Document Wizard

Figure 1. New XML File Configuration Options
If you selected XML File for the type of document you want to create, the wizard will include the following options:
Specifies the path to the schema file. When you select a file, Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin analyzes its content and tries to fill in the rest of the dialog box.
Schema Type
Allows you to select the schema type. The following options are available: XML Schema, DTD, RelaxNG XML syntax, RelaxNG compact syntax, and NVDL.
Public ID
Specifies the PUBLIC identifier declared in the document prolog.
Specifies the document namespace.
Specifies the prefix for the namespace of the document root.
Root Element
Populated with elements defined in the specified schema, enables selection of the element used as document root.
Description pane
A small description of the selected document root.
Add Optional Content
If you select this option, the elements and attributes defined in the XML Schema as optional are generated in the skeleton XML document.
Add First Choice Particle
If you select this option, Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin generates the first element of an <xs:choice> schema element in the skeleton XML document. Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin creates this document in a new editor panel when you click Finish.

XSL Document Wizard

Figure 2. New XSL Document Configuration Options
If you selected Stylesheet (XSL) File for the type of file you want to create, the wizard will include the following options:
Stylesheet version
Allows you to select the Stylesheet version number. You can select from: 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0.
Add documentation annotations
Select this option to generate the stylesheet annotation documentation.

XML Schema (XSD) Document Wizard

Figure 3. New XML Schema Configuration Options
If you selected XML Schema (XSD) File for the type of file you want to create, the wizard will include the following options:
Default XML Schema version
Select this option to use the XML Schema version defined in the XML Schema preferences page.
XML Schema 1.0
Sets the @minVersion attribute to 1.0 and the @maxVersion attribute to 1.1.
XML Schema 1.1
Sets the @minVersion attribute to 1.1.
Target namespace
Allows you to specify the schema target namespace.
Namespace prefix declaration table
This table contains namespace prefix declarations. Table information can be managed using the New and Delete buttons.
For further details on how you can set the version of an XML Schema, go to Setting the XML Schema Version.

Schematron Document Wizard

Figure 4. New Schematron Configuration Options
If you selected Schematron File for the type of file you want to create and selected the Customize option, the configuration dialog box will include the following option:
Schematron version
Specifies the Schematron version. Possible options: 1.5 (deprecated) and ISO.
Starting with version 16.0 of Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin, the support for Schematron 1.5 is deprecated. It is recommended to use ISO Schematron instead.

JSON Document Configuration Page

Figure 5. New JSON Configuration Wizard Page

If you select JSON for the type of file you want to create and select the Customize option, the configuration dialog box will include the following options:

Schema URL
Specifies the path to a JSON Schema file that will be used to generate key-value pairs.
Associate Schema in the Document
If you select this option, the JSON instance will be generated with the JSON Schema associated directly in the document.
Generate Optional Properties
If you select this option, the JSON instance will be generated with optional properties that are defined in the JSON schema. Otherwise, only the required properties will be generated.
Generate Additional Content
If you select this option, the JSON instance will be generated with additional properties that are defined in the JSON schema as additionalProperties and additional items that are defined as additionalItems (in the case of an Array).