Built-in Transformation Scenarios
Oxygen XML Editor includes preconfigured built-in transformation scenarios that are used for common transformations. They can be found in the various sections in the Configure Transformation Scenario(s) dialog box or Transformation Scenarios view. All the built-in document types (frameworks) that are included in Oxygen XML Editor have various transformation scenarios in their specific sections, including the most popular frameworks, such as DITA, DocBook, TEI, XHTML, JATS, OOXML, and more.
To obtain the desired output, use one of the following actions from the toolbar or
Transform submenu in the contextual menu of the Project view:
Apply Transformation Scenario(s) (Ctrl + Shift + T (Command + Shift + T on macOS)) - If you have associated transformation scenarios for the current document, this action will simply apply the association and begin the transformation process. If an association is not detected, this action will open the Configure Transformation Scenario(s) dialog box where you can choose the scenarios you want to apply.
Configure Transformation Scenario(s) (Ctrl + Shift + C (Command + Shift + C on macOS)) - This action will open the Configure Transformation Scenario(s) dialog box where you can choose the scenarios you want to apply.
- You can apply a transformation even if the current document is not associated with a transformation scenario.
- If the document contains an
processing instruction that references an XSLT stylesheet (commonly used to display the document in web browsers), Oxygen XML Editor prompts you to associate the document with a built-in transformation scenario. - The default transformation scenario is suggested based on the processing instruction from the edited document.