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Contextual Menu Actions in the Design Mode

The contextual menu of the Design mode includes the following actions:

Go to Definition (Ctrl + Shift + Enter)
Shows the definition for the currently selected component. For references, this action is available by clicking the arrow displayed in its bottom right corner.
Open Schema (Ctrl + Shift + Enter)
Opens the selected schema. This action is available for <xsd:import>, <xsd:include> and <xsd:redefine> elements. If the file you try to open does not exist, a warning message is displayed and you have the possibility to create the file.
Edit Attributes ()
Allows you to edit the attributes of the selected component in a small in-place editor that presents the same attributes as in the Attributes view and the Facets view. The actions that can be performed on attributes in this dialog box are the same actions presented in the two views.
Append child
Offers a list of valid components, depending on the context, and appends your selection as a child of the currently selected component. You can set a name for a named component after it has been added in the diagram.
Insert before
Offers a list of valid components, depending on the context, and inserts your selection before the selected component, as a sibling. You can set a name for a named component after it has been added in the diagram.
Insert after
Offers a list of valid components, depending on the context, and inserts your selection after the selected component, as a sibling. You can set a name for a named component after it has been added in the diagram.
New global
Inserts a global component in the schema diagram. This action does not depend on the current context. If you choose to insert an import you have to specify the URL of the imported file, the target namespace and the import ID. The same information, excluding the target namespace, is requested for an <xsd:include> or <xsd:redefine> element.
If the imported file has declared a target namespace, the field Namespace is completed automatically.
Edit Schema Namespaces
When performed on the schema root, it allows you to edit the schema target namespace and namespace mappings. You can also invoke the action by double-clicking the target namespace property from Attributes view for the schema or by double-clicking the schema component.
Edit Annotations
Allows you to edit the annotation for the selected schema component in the Edit Annotations dialog box. You can perform the following operations in the dialog box:
  • Edit all appinfo/documentation items for a specific annotation - All appinfo/documentation items for a specific annotation are presented in a table and can be easily edited. Information about an annotation item includes: type (documentation/appinfo), content, source (optional, specify the source of the documentation/appinfo element) and xml:lang. The content of a documentation/appinfo item can be edited in the Content area below the table.
  • Insert/Insert before/Remove documentation/appinfo - The Add button allows you to insert a new annotation item (documentation/appinfo). You can add a new item before the item selected in table by pressing the Insert Before button. Also, you can delete the selected item using the Remove button.
  • Move items up/down - Do this by using the Move up and Move down buttons.
  • Insert/Insert before/Remove annotation - Available for components that allow multiple annotations such as schemas or redefines.
  • Specify an ID for the component annotation - An optional identifier for the annotation.
Annotations are rendered by default under the graphical representation of the component. When you have a reference to a component with annotations, these annotations are also presented in the diagram below the referenced component. To edit the annotations, use the Edit Annotations action from the contextual menu. If the reference component does not have annotations, you can edit the annotations of the referenced component by double-clicking the annotations area. Otherwise, you can edit the referenced component annotations only if you go to the definition of the component.
For imported/included components that do not belong to the currently edited schema, the Edit Annotations dialog box presents the annotation as read-only. To edit its annotation, open the schema where the component is defined.
Change XML Schema Version
Use this action to change the XML Schema version of the current document.
Extract Global Element

This action is available for local elements. A local element is made global and is replaced with a reference to the global element. The local element properties that are also valid for the global element declaration are kept.

Figure 1. Extracting a Global Element

If you use the Extract Global Element action on a <name> element, the result is:

Figure 2. Extracting a Global Element on a <name> Element
Extract Global Attribute

This action is available for local attributes. A local attribute is made global and replaced with a reference to the global attribute. The properties of local attribute that are also valid in the global attribute declaration are kept.

Figure 3. Extracting a Global Attribute

If you use the Extract Global Attribute action on a @note attribute, the result is:

Figure 4. Extracting a Global Attribute on a @note Attribute
Extract Global Group

This action is available for compositors (sequence, choice, all). This action extracts a global group and makes a reference to it. The action is available only if the parent of the compositor is not a group.

Figure 5. Extracting a Global Group

If you use the Extract Global Group action on the <sequence> element, the Extract Global Component dialog box is displayed and you can choose a name for the group. If you type personGroup, the result is:

Figure 6. Extracting a Global Group on a <sequence> Element
Extract Global Type

This action is used to extract an anonymous simple type or an anonymous complex type as global. For anonymous complex types, the action is available on the parent element.

Figure 7. Extracting a Global Simple Type

If you use the action on the union component and choose numericST for the new global simple type name, the result is:

Figure 8. Extracting a Global Simple Type on a union Component
Figure 9. Extracting a Global Complex Type

If you use the action on a <person> element and choose person_type for the new complex type name, the result is:

Figure 10. Extracting a Global Complex Type on a <person> Element
Rename Component in
Renames the selected component.
Cut Ctrl + X (Command + X on macOS)
Cuts the selected component(s).
Copy Ctrl + C (Command + C on macOS)
Copies the selected component(s) to the clipboard.
Copy XPath

This action copies an XPath expression that identifies the selected element or attribute in an instance XML document of the edited schema and places it in the clipboard.

Paste Ctrl + V (Command + V on macOS)
Pastes the component(s) from the clipboard as children of the selected component.
Paste as Reference
Creates references to the copied component(s). If not possible, a warning message is displayed.
Remove Delete
Removes the selected component(s).
Override component
Copies the overridden component in the current XML Schema. This option is available for xs:override components.
Redefine component
The referenced component is added in the current XML Schema. This option is available for xs:redefine components.
Can be performed on element/attribute/group references, local attributes, elements, compositors, and element wildcards. The minOccurs property is set to 0 and the use property for attributes is set to optional.
Can be performed on element/attribute/group references, local attributes, elements, compositors, and element wildcards. The maxOccurs property is set to unbounded and the use property for attributes is set to required.
Can be performed on local elements or attributes. This action makes a reference to a global element or attribute.
Search References
Searches all references of the item found at current cursor position in the defined scope if any.
Search References in
Searches all references of the item found at current cursor position in the specified scope.
Search Occurrences in File
Searches all occurrences of the item found at current cursor position in the current file.
Component Dependencies
Opens the Component Dependencies view that allows you to see the dependencies for the currently selected component.
Show referenced resources
Opens the Referenced/Dependent Resources view that allows you to see the references for the currently selected resource.
Show dependent resources
Allows you to see the dependencies for the currently selected resource.
Expand All
Recursively expands all sub-components of the selected component.
Collapse All
Recursively collapses all sub-components of the selected component.
Save as Image
Saves the diagram as image, in JPEG, BMP, SVG or PNG format.
Generate Sample XML Files
Generates XML files using the current opened schema. The selected component is the XML document root. See more in the Generate Sample XML Files section.
Flatten Schema
Recursively adds the components of included Schema files to the main one. It also flattens every imported XML Schema from the hierarchy.
Opens the Schema preferences page.