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Default Page Definitions

All page definitions are found in: [PLUGIN_DIR]css/print/p-pages-and-headers.css.

This is listed solely for illustration purposes, as the plugin might use something different.

There are page definitions for the default page, chapter page, table of contents page, front matter page, back matter page, index page, large tables page, and blank page.

Default Page

The default page imposes a header that contains the publication title, chapter, and section title. They alternate on the left or right side of the page:

@page :left {
  @top-left {
    content: string(maptitle) string(parttitle) string(chaptertitle) string(sectiontitle) " | " counter(page);

@page :right{
  @top-right {
    content: string(maptitle) string(parttitle) string(chaptertitle) string(sectiontitle) " | " counter(page);
To override the default rules defined for named pages (such as chapter or table of contents), you need to use more specific page rules that contain the page name:
@page :left, table-of-contents:left, chapter:left {
  @top-left {
    content: "...";

@page :right, table-of-contents:right, chapter:right{
  @top-right {
    content: "...";

Front Page

The cover page. It clears the headers.

@page front-page {
    @top-left-corner    {          content:none }
    @top-left           {          content:none }
    @top-center         {          content:none }
    @top-right          {          content:none }
    @top-right-corner   {          content:none }
    @bottom-left-corner {          content:none }
    @bottom-left        {          content:none }
    @bottom-center      {          content:none }
    @bottom-right       {          content:none }
    @bottom-right-corner{          content:none }

Table of Contents Page

The table of content page. It clears the headers and uses a lower roman page number in the header.

@page table-of-contents {
  @top-left      { content: none; }
  @top-center    { content: none; }
  @top-right     { content: none; }
  @bottom-left   { content: none; }
  @bottom-center { content: none; }
  @bottom-right  { content: none; }
@page table-of-contents:left {
  @top-left {
    content: string(toc-header) " | " counter(page, lower-roman);
@page table-of-contents:right {
  @top-right {
    content: string(toc-header) " | " counter(page, lower-roman);

/* Do not put a header on the first page of the TOC */
@page table-of-contents:first:left {
  @top-left {
    content: none; 
@page table-of-contents:first:right {
   @top-right {
     content: none;

Chapter Page

The chapter page is inherited from the default page. The chapter page is associated with the topics marked as chapters, usually direct children of the map. It clears the header from the first page of each chapter. If you need to add other information to the chapter headers, make sure you override these rules in your CSS:

@page chapter{
  /* Currently inherit from the default page. */

/* No headers on the chapter first page. */
@page chapter:first:left{
  @top-left {
    content: none;
@page chapter:first:right{
  @top-right {
    content: none;

Front Matter and Back Matter Page

The bookmap front matter and back matter page. It clears the headers.

@page matter-page {
  @top-left-corner    {          content:none }
  @top-center         {          content:none }
  @top-right-corner   {          content:none }
  @bottom-left-corner {          content:none }
  @bottom-left        {          content:none }
  @bottom-center      {          content:none }
  @bottom-right       {          content:none }
  @bottom-right-corner{          content:none }

@page matter-page:left {
  @top-left           {          content: counter(page, lower-roman); }

@page matter-page:right {
  @top-right          {          content: counter(page, lower-roman); }

Index Page

The index page contains the index terms (and appears only if there are such items in your topics). It uses a lower alpha page number in the footer:

@page index {
  @top-left-corner    {          content:none }
  @top-left           {          content:none }
  @top-right          {          content:none }
  @top-right-corner   {          content:none }
  @top-center         {          content:none }
  @bottom-left-corner {          content:none }
  @bottom-left        {          content:none }
  @bottom-right       {          content:none }
  @bottom-right-corner{          content:none }
  @bottom-center      {
    content: counter(page, lower-alpha);
    font-size: 11pt; 

@media oxygen-chemistry {
  @page index {
    column-count: 2;
    column-fill: auto;

When transformed, the page layout is spread on two columns.

Landscape Page

The landscape page contains large tables (for example). The page is rotated and the header is moved on the right side of the page:
@page landscape-page:right {
  size: landscape;

  @top-left {
    content: none
  @top-center {
    content: none
  @top-right {
    content: none

  @right-bottom {
    content: string(maptitle) string(parttitle) string(chaptertitle) string(sectiontitle) " | " counter(page);
    transform: rotate(90deg);
    vertical-align: middle;
    text-align: right;
@page landscape-page:left {
  size: landscape;

  @top-left {
    content: none
  @top-center {
    content: none
  @top-right {
    content: none

  @right-top {
    content: string(maptitle) string(parttitle) string(chaptertitle) string(sectiontitle) " | " counter(page);
    transform: rotate(90deg);
    vertical-align: middle;
    text-align: left;

Blank Page

The following example clears the header for the blank pages that may be created by a page-break-before, page-break-after, or by using double side pagination:

@page :blank{
  @top-left {
    content: none;
  @top-right {
    content: none;